It's easy to enjoy Succession with it's superb dialog. But it repeats the formula for drama and becomes predictable in the beginning. Season 3 intros new characters for new drama. Unfortunately, the end of season 4, which is the series finally, fell super flat for me. There just wasn't enough justification for the "children" to suddenly leap from their normal tactics/behavior. This leap from their norms is supposed to be the crescendo to the shows emotional draw, but it was forced and way too abrupt for me to buy in.
I'd give the dialog a 10 if not for the constant political projection in this fantasy. The need to transfer all blame for what actually happens in American politics onto all things republican is repeatedly shoved down your throat in season 4. Seasons 1,2,3 can be written off as the typical "Hollywood" left-wing bias we all must endure with every movie and tv show. But S4 goes full throttle, resorting to primal left-wing outrage for eyeballs and that's a telltale sign the writers/creators have lost their creativity,
I'd give the dialog a 10 if not for the constant political projection in this fantasy. The need to transfer all blame for what actually happens in American politics onto all things republican is repeatedly shoved down your throat in season 4. Seasons 1,2,3 can be written off as the typical "Hollywood" left-wing bias we all must endure with every movie and tv show. But S4 goes full throttle, resorting to primal left-wing outrage for eyeballs and that's a telltale sign the writers/creators have lost their creativity,