The Lord of the Rings: Gollum (2023 Video Game)
This game is me precious!!
17 June 2023
Oh, I loves it, the humanity, the controls, the graphics, me loves it all. The Lord of Ring: Gollum Gollum is great.

No, we hates it, we don't wants it. The pain, the pain, the pain, it is real. I can't jump, I get stuck, the developers said they were gonna revolutionize stealth gameplay? Then why does we have broken A. I? It has early 1990s stealth mechanics? No, no, no, no, wrong! This is a scam, there is no way they spent longer than 1 month on this game. Scam, scam, scam!

Why don't you likes it? It is torment, and you know we loves torment. We loves money! $70.00 Americana Dollars, think about what we can buy with it. We can hire people to help use get ze precious, MY PRECIOUS which I must have. Give me more money.

Why is this a thing? Why precious, why? Don't do this, don't wants it precious, throw me into Mount Doom instead of another second in this game. Precious, precious, find my precious so I can disappear away!!!

Gollum and Daedalics rating = 10/10 (aka F**ck you give us money)

Smeagol and everyone else = 0/10.

Summary: This game is me precious!!
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