Review of Unseen

Unseen (I) (2023)
So bad
4 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where to even start with this one. The premise, a person in trouble calling a stranger, has been done at least 3 or 4 times before. This is the worst of that genre.

The lead is so unrealistically blind she'd need glasses the size of a telescope to see anything, yet is shown in thin, fashionable glasses. She has no less than 3 clear chances to kill her assailant, but each time doesn't...for no other reason than keeping the movie going. I remember thinking that the movie should have been over at about the 12 minute mark, the first time she stupidly leaves him living, walking around blind.

The gas station scenes were odd and over the top. Nobody is coming in with an assault rifle to get a stolen phone. Speaking of which, the way the blind girl yells at her helper because her phone is dying seems so completely out of place. Also, just unplug the stupid smoothie machine already.

I'll give it 2 stars because the two leads are decent actresses, but boy were they dealt an awful movie to showcase it in.
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