Fortitude (2015–2018)
Season rating
19 January 2024
It's really annoying, that Imbb hasn't got the feature, so we can rate each season, but only episode by episode, or an overall rating for all seasons

I would very much appreciate if they would introduce this feature.

So far I have rated season 1 with a 7, I found it creepy,and a well told story, with few mistakes.... For season 2 I have only watch 2 epsiodes......but it seems like it will be a 6'er, but let's see

Especially the 'season rating' would go for series like Game of Throbes....season 1-5 was a 9. Season 6 was a 8. Season 7-8 was a 1 or 2

So please imdb, if you read this, please introduce the feature to rate each season...thanks.
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