The show is not transparent about this being scripted with actors. The first times that I watched it something felt off with the way the litigants interact with each other and the dramatic tabloid style "cases" presented, It would be more tolerable if the actors were any good. The production feels amateurish with a cheap looking set and an echo when anyone talks.
This is a huge step down from The People's Court which had real cases with real litigants and was a good teaching tool for basic law. The fact that nothing is mentioned about this being a scripted show is a slap in the face for any of Jude Milian's fans. I expected better from her. There are other far better court programs offered with real litigants and real cases. I will no longer watch.
This is a huge step down from The People's Court which had real cases with real litigants and was a good teaching tool for basic law. The fact that nothing is mentioned about this being a scripted show is a slap in the face for any of Jude Milian's fans. I expected better from her. There are other far better court programs offered with real litigants and real cases. I will no longer watch.