Michael Bolton (Phillips Holmes) is a star college athlete with adoring fans and fellow students' respect. Some of the students discover his criminal father John Martin Bolton (Grant Mitchell). He loses the class president election and his girl. He feels burdened by his father's crime. He gets hired by bank president Jim McCord who insists that his father was righteous in vengance. The governor pardons John Bolton and he returns to town.
This is a family drama or more specifically, a father son drama. It's an interesting start with the son struggling to deal with his father's scandal. I can see the back and forth in his feelings. It does need more father and son interactions. Jim McCord has a more compelling exposition of the past crime. I don't always like Holmes' acting skills. The premise is a little clunky. The sound quality is pretty good and print quality is excellent.
This is a family drama or more specifically, a father son drama. It's an interesting start with the son struggling to deal with his father's scandal. I can see the back and forth in his feelings. It does need more father and son interactions. Jim McCord has a more compelling exposition of the past crime. I don't always like Holmes' acting skills. The premise is a little clunky. The sound quality is pretty good and print quality is excellent.