Boarders (2024– )
Anuvahood meets mean girls
6 March 2024
I'm nearing the end of episode 3 but I think I get the gist. Quite an entertaining series but I'm not sure if it works entirely. From the start the guys from London are such a mixed bag I'm just not sure how their friendships would have originated and the guys already attending the boarding school are absolute bafoons from the off so you can't take it too seriously. As long as you can over look the above then I think you'll find it mildly amusing and worth investing in on a quiet Sunday lunchtime. That said I think Jaheim (the lead) has got good potential. He carries his character well. And I hated Rupert from the word go which I'm assuming was the actors intentions so good job there too. All in all worth a watch if there's nothing much doing.
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