Review of Luke Cage

Luke Cage (2016–2018)
3.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
13 February 2024
While this is definitely Luke Cage's show, this isn't the first time we've seen him. Being an integral part of Jessica Jones season 1, this is the continuation of that character and while it doesn't exactly goes the same heights as Jessica Jones or Daredevil, it's a damn good time

Season 1; Fresh off the action packed season of Daredevil season 2, I seen this was where our Netflix MCU story continues, further establishing The Defenders roster. Really glad they explained Luke Cages powers in this season( machine used to heal faster malfunctioned while Cage was in it) Taking place sometime after Jessica Jones Season 1's ending, we see Luke Cage ditch Hells Kitchen for Harlem Which sets the backdrop for the many characters we meet. First we have Cottonmouth; a ruthless nightclub owner who gets a visit from Shades, an associate of Cottonmouths employer Diamondback. Now, before I start talking about the characters, let me first off and say how great some of these scenes in this very first episode was. That entire scene of Cottonmouth giving his "everybody want to be the king" monologue was *chefs kiss*. Anyways, I think Ali did a great performance, and sadly was cut too short midway through the season. Meanwhile we have another character named Detective Misty who becomes a integral part to the entire Defenders roster. And of course, the return of Claire... visiting her mother in Harlem, with a calling to help people with abilities. 2 more characters, Mariah and Shades, are also prominent in this, with becoming some of the best written villains in the show. And finally; Striker/Diamondback. Oh and he happens to be Cages half brother! S**t just got real. The ending fight between Luke and Styker was fun, but corny at the same time, A good season, although some stuff was corny, especially Diamondback, and there was a lot of uneventful episodes, but other than that, a great season.

Season 2: Now, this season is set after The Defender miniseries, so we see Cage becoming more of a celebrity, but he's also forced to deal with not only the partnership between Mariah and Shades, but he also has a newcomer in Harlem. Bushmaster proved to be a pretty convincing villain, with his goal to wipe out Mariah and take what what rightfully was his. While I don't think any of the characters quite matched Cottonmouth's, I think this season fleshed out and made both Shades, Mariah, and Bushmaster a trio of villains that each had their own goals and demons to figure out. Now, the ending was pretty interesting, and would like to see that more in the future, perhaps is a future Luke Cage show???

In all, this 2 season show was pretty cool. It gave this universe a vibe I think it may have been missing, and to see street crime being dealt with with such a charming guy as Luke Cage, you can't complain. Definitely recommended.
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