The Acolyte: Lost/Found (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
digging it ao far
12 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have really been liking this show a lot so far. The acting is really good and i love seeing actors from other properties i love now in the Star Wars universe. When the action hits its pretty fast paced and very well done. My only complaints so far is that they have children who look nothing alike playing the child versions of characters that are supposed to be such identical twins they are played by the same actress. It would have been cool if they just showed them for a few quick scenes here and there but so far episode 3 seems to be just a flashback to them as kids...which is a really weird move for a show to do on the 3 episode. We are still getting acquainted to the adults after the first 2 and now boom were with a whole new group of actors. This is made worse by them ending the last episode making you think this one would feature a Wookie Jedi. But other than that mile long complaint i am still totally engaged in this show and can see it having Andor potential if it can keep us on the right track.
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