This one has not aged very well.
13 August 2024
In his day, Ivor Novello was a beloved Welsh actor and singer. However, today, especially outside the UK, he's a pretty much forgotten man despite his having once been a star. Part of this might be because he died in his 50s. Part of it might be because times and tastes change...which is what I think of when I think about "I Lived With You".

The play was quite popular and Ivor Novello both wrote it and starred in the production. So, it's not surprising that he'd bring the story to the big screen.

Novello plays Prince Felix...who was once a rich Russian before the revolution. But now he's homeless and with no job...nor a desire to get a job. Gladys meets him in the maze at Hampton Court (a palace owned by Henry VIII which is just outside of London). She learns of his plight and invites him home to stay with her and her family.

For the most part, Felix just lies about the home and interferes with the family. For example, he encourages Gladys' father to get a mistress...with predictable results. On the positive side, however, he is able to pay for his way, as he has some gems which he's kept since fleeing Russia...and he sells them in order to help the family.

So is this any good? Well, it's okay. I think Novello overacted a bit here and there, as did Ida Lupino (Novello's real life goddaughter). As for Lupino, this was well before she came to Hollywood and had a HUGE makeover. She looks and sounds VERY little like the Lupino of the 1940s....almost like they are two different people. And, fortunately, with a new image came much better acting and she honed her craft.

Overall, this film is an oddity but one that just hasn't aged all that well. After a while, it all becomes a bit annoying and bellicose. Watchable but not all that good.
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