Ok I finally got it
7 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so I watched this expecting exactly what it says on the tin. Her father turns into a beast once a month when there is a full moon. However I was like he is not that nice as a human especially when he lost his temper when he spotted his wives dress in their van.

So the little girl willow did an amazing job not her fault the script was slow. But basically she wonders what her dad does every so often when her mum Imogen packs a pig in a pen and drives off with daddy (kit) anyways he goes off and mum who apparently while willow is watching ties him up with a chained collar and leaves the pig she then takes his clothes. She locks him in an abandoned half type castle. Anyways Imogen sees willow and shots and screams and all you hear is growling and the pig squealing. However kit plays dog when he is winding willow up barking and growling which didn't occur to me till the end. Anyways he happens to get free and find his way to their home. Willow has been so scared she will turn into a werewolf like her dad. As he calls her his little monster. When he tells her what happens every month that he turns into this monster and he has to be far away, as he can not imagine his life without his wife and child. This breaks down willow and she cuddles her dad. Grandad isn't happy, and gets told she isn't her mum and he is the real monster. We see this all through willow's eyes.

The end of the film as I mentioned he gets to the house and manages to have strength enough to push grandad from the door onto the stag horns used as coats hangers then when they finally get out of their hiding place mum and daughter they find grandad off the stag horns and in the corner of the room. They end up running through the woods the kid and mum. Then he snatches his daughter so mum runs after him they end up where he is chained now the screen is super dark so hard to see. But you see this "werewolf" type creature who is being spoken calmly by the mum and wife and he has flashes of good family times he is hugging her as a werewolf then he remembers when she said I love it when your like this. They were having a family moment in bed cuddling and laughing. Then it clicked the guy wasn't just a monster when he was a monster he was a prick to her DV wise. Then he beats mum up and willow gets hold of her oxygen tank and uses the flame from the lantern and sets her dad on fire. As a werewolf. Then it clips to the willow reading a book and then meeting her mum who has cleared the house and looks at her and gestures her arms then you see what really happened her brain was able to process it. So the dad would beat the mum on the regular he was jealous he was nasty and he was a monster. So willow imagined this whole werewolf thing. I don't know all I know is she saw him as her dad beating her mum so she did as she promised and she protected her mum her family.

It does make sense now thinking back to some of the clips in the film but the only things that are making me think like ok why did grandpa help him when he came back bloody and naked? Why did they take a pig? How did grandpa manage to beat him up? Why would he beat his wife in the middle of the woods?

Unanswered forever I guess. But good film husband hated it but I enjoyed it but disappointed and hated that he killed her puppy (you didn't see you just heard the dogs yelp) I hate things like that!!
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