OK, first the negatives - As others have said the acting is pretty awful at times (I realise it was a pretty inexperienced cast) - the female lead was ok but the male lead was very wooden and tried to enunciate every single word like he was on stage - bit of advice son, be the character and not just someone reciting a script - talk normally like a real person because it was all very forced - I like the 70s retro look but this sort of thing was done much better in When the Lights Went Out (2012) - a lot of the scenes seems to have been "borrowed" from other films like The Haunted and even Amityville so the whole thing never seemed original in the slightest.
I realise the budget was small and that probably led to the "that'll do" approach like we see in so many low budget films - it really could have done with some scenes getting a few more takes - you have to wonder if it was purely down to budget or a weak director failing to get the best out of the actors.
Now the good stuff - I liked the story - I also like the 70s feel with the decor and the props but the fashions weren't quite 1975 especially the black guy having his shirt untucked - that was very 90s - this could have been a solid 7/10 with better actors and bigger budget but just gets a 4/10 from me - I think over 50s would appreciate this more than a teen viewer purely for the 70s feel