5 reviews
Colt is filming a video journal for his baby son, Ethan as he goes on a day of mountain trail biking with his brother, Paul and Paul's friend, Chris. Things quickly get complicated. Found footage films usually follow a standard formula, but this one didn't seem to get that memo. While the constraints of an obvious limited budget were there, they still managed to make a tidy little thriller. I enjoyed Blood Mountain very much :)
- deedee_2000-985-341635
- Jun 15, 2021
- Permalink
Absolute mess. Problem with these found footage things is that by nature there's always going to be a mountain of shaky camera scenes. Don't know about you but it does my head in watching it.
- stephen_dines-79394
- May 27, 2022
- Permalink
This is one of those movies where the entire time you're asking yourself why they're doing what they're doing. It is very clearly a low budget movie but goodness, way too painful to watch and enjoy. I really tried to enjoy it. Give this one a skip.
- tarynstudio
- Jul 3, 2021
- Permalink
Looks like it was cobbled together over a weekend by some students with a cellphone. Consists mostly of grunting and hyperventilating!
- henniescholtz
- Jun 16, 2021
- Permalink
Glad I didn't let the opinions of others taint this for me. Found footage- when done right - remains a viable format. This one is done right. If you aren't jaded beyond giving a film a fair chance give this a try.
- haskel-72951
- Aug 6, 2021
- Permalink