- Norman Dorman: [Trying to figure out where to take Rita for Valentine's Day] Is there such thing as a fancy taco truck?
- Shane McInerney, Rita Haywith: [In unison] No!
- Rita Haywith: So you don't have a date for tomorrow?
- Shane McInerney: No, we can't all have a Norman.
- Rita Haywith: I was kinda hoping Oliver would...
- Shane McInerney: What? Me and Oliver? That's ridiculous. Valentine's Day is all about romance. There is nothing romantic between me and Oliver. He's so... I mean I send emails and he writes letters. I binge watch on my iPad and he goes to the library. I live in Cherry Creek and he lives... where does he live?
- Rita Haywith: You and Oliver have a "thing".
- Shane McInerney: A thing?
- Rita Haywith: I can read the chemistry.
- Shane McInerney: Chemistry does not a romance make Rita.
- [Rita laughs]
- Shane McInerney: What?
- Rita Haywith: You are even starting to talk like him!
- Shane McInerney: Well Oliver is a gentleman. And he is recently, amicable but freshly divorced and I doubt that he's ready to take anyone out for Valentines. Let alone a coworker.
- Rita Haywith: A coworker he has a lot of chemistry with.
- Shane McInerney: Don't end a sentence with a preposition.
- Rita Haywith: You did it again!
- [laughs]
- Shane McInerney: Is there something you want to tell me Oliver?
- Oliver O'Toole: [Walks over to his office fridge but it's empty] We're out. And I'm not prepared to discuss this YooHoo free.
- Shane McInerney: I wasn't going to tell you this but I have Angie the barista keep a couple of emergency YooHoos for you behind the bar at the Mailbox Grille.
- Oliver O'Toole: Miss McInerney you never cease to surprise me and I hope to some day return the favor.
- Shane McInerney: Norman I think you may be overstating the importance of Valentine's Day. It's really just made up holiday to sell chocolate and pressure men to take you to a romantic restaurant and say that they can't without you... unless of course they don't say they can't live without you and then you just end up crying in the ladies room.
- Shane McInerney: [Reading Oliver's Valentine] Dear Miss McInerney. I've been thinking Valentine's Day might present the perfect opportunity for our long promised dinner. I have reservations at Montaldos, a lovely spot where we might share some stimulating conversation and enjoy the music. It has been a long time since we danced. Awaiting your response. Sincerely Oliver O'Toole
- Shane McInerney: You made that Valentine.
- Oliver O'Toole: All by myself. The heart was a little...
- Shane McInerney: No it's perfect. I haven't gotten a homemade Valentine since Joe Cook made me one in the second grade. He ran up to me on the playground shoved it in my hand then punched me in the shoulder.
- Oliver O'Toole: Well then this must have been something of a let down.
- Shane McInerney: [laughs] No. Not at all. I just wish... Why didn't you just say 'hey Shane did you get my invitation?'
- Oliver O'Toole: Well um, a gentleman never makes assumptions about a woman's affairs.
- Shane McInerney: But I didn't have any affairs. I got a massage, a pizza and took a very long jog that happened to take me past a gentleman's window as he sat by candlelight reading a book with music and a glass of wine... I know, I know it was a childish thing to do.
- Oliver O'Toole: Or perhaps we're just finally old enough to know that sometimes matters of the heart can hurt more than...
- Shane McInerney: Than a punch in the shoulder?
- Oliver O'Toole: Precisely.
- Shane McInerney: I'm sorry Oliver.
- Oliver O'Toole: I'm sorry too... Shane.
- [Extended scene not shown in the US]
- Becca: Rumor was he had some sort of breakdown and took a year off of school. All I know is he walked off that stage, we drove back to Wyoming and she never heard from him again. But she never forgot him.
- Shane McInerney: It must be hard to forget your first love especially when he's such a public figure
- Becca: Funny thing is he turned out to be a pretty good guy. I came down here after law school to start this place. When the recession hit he fought to keep women's and homeless shelters in the state budget. Youngest governor in Colorado history and he's already done a lot of good. I voted for him. Just don't tell Maddie that.
- Shane McInerney: Then you know where she is?
- Becca: Yeah. She's not in Wyoming anymore but I can get this to her.
- Shane McInerney: Oh thanks, uh but we're required to deliver it personally.
- Becca: I wish you could, but she won't see you. She won't even see me now.