Gold (2022) had a promising start and overall has demonstrated solid production value, although the washed-out look got old fast.
While the acting was perfectly fine, as it gets closer to the end, it starts to wear on you. This isn't really a human nature study, more like a semi-survival film full of stupid decisions. The only human trait here was greed. Nothing more than that. In a future like this, you would think people would've still bet on survival over pointless death.
The resolution is obvious from the start since this is what would happen in a real-life situation. They added a little "twist" at the end, but it barely connects, since it means nothing for the viewer or the characters, and rather solidifies the message the film is trying to push.
The whole story relies on our main character not being too bright, and it's fine. The problem is that we barely know anything about the world and the characters. Frankly, there are no characters going through arcs, people encounter problems in a not-so-bright future, and never change. This was probably intended, and probably realistic enough, but even a couple of flashbacks establishing motivations or attitudes would've been great. Especially since the acting was good.
As it is, Gold (2022) is an ok semi-survival film but feels very shallow and does not connect the viewer to what these "characters" are going through. There are also some things that make little sense, like why Virgil didn't just leave when he got the Stranger's loot. Since one can walk there on foot, he could've given it a try, it's not as a middle of nowhere as they said it was. I guess greed is an answer to anything in this, but the introductory scene (and the burial scene) suggested some sort of dignity or reliability in Virgil, soon to be gone, again, greed. Also, it is unclear when Keith got back since neither he nor the other Stranger was affected by the dust storm. I guess I'm nitpicking, but I'd still prefer Virgil to switch into survival mode at the end, there is greed, but people still have survival instincts.
Overall, the film leaves a bad taste, which is intended but feels empty on details, which is not. It's not long, but I can't wholeheartedly recommend it, more like 50/50.