Once again, the typical LGBTQ+ viewer sees less and less relevant content available on television. Such are the stereotypical shows whose writers and producers sincerely believe they're doing something concrete and meaningful to help the hetero world understand what makes our community tick. In most instances, nothing could be further from the truth. 'Falling for Angels' is one such example.
Set in what is falsely described as the most culturally diverse city in our great country, LaLa Land, 'Falling for Angels' falls far short of providing anything significant that might bolster the importance and self realization of how wonderful and diverse our world is. The writing team, including David Millbern, are the typical gay men who believe the world rises and sets on the City of Angels. Guess what guys, you're wrong and that fact adversely affects the quality of your work and hence, this series. I'd have more respect for 'Falling for Angels, if it were more geographically balanced which clearly is not the case.
Get your behinds out of LA and see what you might discover in Fargo, or Des Moines, or Burlington Vermont.
By isolating yourselves in SOCAL, you do a great disservice to your writing and communicating skills, thus failing to show how very varied and wonderful the LGBTQ+ truly is. We don't see it here.