A film about A. I. taking control of humans.
The A. I. in this film mainly uses punishment to force humans to comply. The real A. I. all around us today uses the far more effective reward/punishment combo to get us to voluntarily join and obey its desires.
Google, Twitter, Tik-Tok, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Roblox, et.al. Are all followers of this A. I. strategy. All use A. I. to get us to do as they wish by entertaining us at the same time. Disobey their opaque, ever changing rules and punishment swiftly follows.
The most effective brain-worms would infiltrate these companies and use them (and their A. I.) to push the brain-worm agenda while canceling users that aren't brain-wormy enough.
Not that any of these companies are packed with foreign agents...