Betty is singing a song called "Be Human," about being kind to animals when he hears horrible noises outside. She looks and sees her brutish neighbor beating a little dog. It's actually kind of shocking the see, even though it's only a cartoon, but the man keeps whipping this little dog who is howling in pain. Frankly, I've never seen anything that unpleasant in a cartoon before. Then the guy punches a cow in the face and strangles a hen because they wouldn't deliver milk and eggs, respectively.
Betty, in desperation, calls Professor Grampy of the Animal Aid Society. From that point, we get humor as Grampy's desk turns into an automobile and he slides down the fire poll (in the car!), races to the scene and quickly captures the animal abuser. That guy is then deposited in a dungeon at Grampy's place, where he gets whipped and in the process, sets off some clever assembly-line sight gags which feed all the animals.
Although brutal in parts, it's a good message and told in a blunt-but-most humorous way.