Robert Young credited as playing...
Homer Smith
- Homer Smith: Have you ever been in San Francisco?
- Marcia Warren: Yes, once with Gable and Tracy - and the joint fell apart!
- Marcia Warren: This room positively reeks of cheap, vulgar perfume.
- Homer Smith: Well, it's yours.
- Marcia Warren: Oh.
- Homer Smith: I spilled it on me.
- Marcia Warren: [he sneezes] Bless you.
- Homer Smith: Thanks. I guess I must be catching cold. I'm soaking wet.
- Marcia Warren: I haven't *that* much perfume.
- Homer Smith: No, it's from standing under the shower.
- Marcia Warren: With your clothes on?
- Homer Smith: Well, I was putting out the fire.
- Marcia Warren: [doubtingly] What fire?
- Homer Smith: The one I started in here.
- Marcia Warren: The shower's not in here.
- Homer Smith: No, I carried the fire into the bathroom.
- Marcia Warren: [condescendingly] I see.
- Marcia Warren: Uh, tell me, uh, Mr. Jones, what part of America are you from?
- Homer Smith: California.
- Marcia Warren: Weeeelll! Southern California?
- Homer Smith: Nooo! Northern California.
- Marcia Warren: Ohhh.
- Homer Smith: Whadda you mean, oh?
- Marcia Warren: I mean, oh - you come from Northern California not Southern California.
- Homer Smith: Well, you sound as if there's something wrong about coming from Northern California instead of Southern California.
- Homer Smith: My name is Homer.
- Philo Cobson: Not really? I could've sworn you were dead.
- Homer Smith: Oh, you're thinking of the old Greek poet. He's dead. My name's Homer Smith.
- Marcia Warren: Frisco, huh, you can have it.
- Homer Smith: Don't you call it Frisco - it's San FRANcisco.
- Marcia Warren: Frisco!
- Homer Smith: San FRANcisco.
- Marcia Warren: Frisco!
- Homer Smith: San FRANcisco.
- Marcia Warren: Frisco!
- Homer Smith: San FRANcisco.
- [Fades out as Cleona closes the door]
- Cleona Jones: [to waiting butler applicants downstairs] You gentlemen can all return to the central casting. We've got just the man we've been looking for.
- Mrs. Morrison: He told you who he was?
- Homer Smith: [Whispering to her] British intelligence.
- Mrs. Morrison: Oh, well, that wasn't very intelligent for that particular person, I must say.
- Homer Smith: Sunshine! Sunshine! Sunshine! Day in and day out. It stupefies your brain. It thins out your blood. It, it withers everything it touches.
- Marcia Warren: Hasn't withered Lana Turner.
- Philo Cobson: Who are you?
- Italian Officer: We are Italians. We surrender.
- Philo Cobson: But you can't surrender to us - we're not soldiers.
- Italian Officer: But we do surrender.
- Homer Smith: Look here, we don't wanna capture you. What would we do with you?
- Italian Officer: Turn us over to the British.
- Mrs. Morrison: As a writer and a man of imagination, Mr. Smith, if you were a spy and wanted a profession that gave you freedom of movement, and access to important men with important information...
- Homer Smith: Yeah, being a beautiful movie star would be ideal. But, Marcia Warren - why she's as American as... . As a matter of fact, she's been out of the country for three years, ever since she made that picture in England.
- Homer Smith: Southern California, the desert of human thought. Fruit without flavor. Flowers that don't smell.
- Marcia Warren: You don't have that trouble up north - everything smells. Fog! Fog! Day in and day out. Straightens out your hair like it's been pressed. Fog in your lungs. Fog in your clothes. Dripping off the building!
- Homer Smith: It's romantic!
- Marcia Warren: Oh, what's romantic about not being able to see your hand in front of your face? You can't tell whether you're on the street or a Turkish bath.
- Marcia Warren: Who do you think you're kidding, bub?
- Homer Smith: Kidding?
- Marcia Warren: Oh, stop it. You're awful. If there's anything you learn from making musical pictures it's how to recognize BAD acting.
- Homer Smith: You're an Englishman aren't you?
- Philo Cobson: How did you guess it?
- Homer Smith: Well, I sort of train myself to notice things.
- Marcia Warren: Tell me now, what made you think I'd be insane enough to think you were British?
- Homer Smith: Well, I thought there'd be a better chance of getting a job.
- Marcia Warren: You are Philo Cobson, the British intelligence says so.
- Homer Smith: That's a lie. British intelligence says you're head of the big six.
- Marcia Warren: What's the big six?
- Homer Smith: Oh, as if you didn't know.
- Homer Smith: [to the Cairo theater doorman] Look, uh, when those two ladies I was with come back, tell 'em, uh, tell 'em I was sick and had to leave.
- Female Theatre Attendant: [after Homer leaves, to the doorman] The young man who came with the two ladies - you are to tell him that they took suddenly ill and had to leave.
- Fat Doorman in Cairo Theatre: Hmmm. Epidemic.
- Marcia Warren: [Sniffing] Have you a woman accomplice with you?
- Homer Smith: Not that I know of.
- Marcia Warren: This room positively wreaks of cheap, vulgar perfume.
- Homer Smith: Well, it's yours.
- Marcia Warren: Oh!
- Homer Smith: I spilled it on me.
- Marcia Warren: You think you can confuse me by calling me a Nazi, you Nazi.
- Homer Smith: Don't you call me a Nazi, you Nazi.
- Homer Smith: Go ahead, turn me over to the Nazis. I'd a lot rather die as a hick newspaperman than live as a famous Nazi movie star.
- Homer Smith: It wouldn't look right for you to go walking with a butler.
- Marcia Warren: You're no butler.
- Marcia Warren: Uh, have you an old operation that's bothering you?
- Homer Smith: Oh, heh, it's my money belt. I... keep my money in it.
- Marcia Warren: [to Cleona] Well, that settles it. If I met an absolute stranger and he wore a money belt, I'd know he was a spy.