We see a funny sight right off the bat: Bugs Bunny reading a book titled, "How To Multiply." He seems to be enjoying it. Nearby someone is sobbing out loud. Bugs checks it out and finds it's the "Easter Bunny," who is worried about delivering his colored eggs on this day because his feet are killing him. Bugs volunteers to deliver the "Technicolor hen fruit."
His first stop is a house that says "Dead End Kid" on it. If you've seen any of the Dead End Kids movies you'll know what to expect.
After narrowly escaping with his life, Bugs quits, but get talked into trying one more delivery. It turns out to be Elmer Fudd's house. Bugs tries to get into the spirit of the holiday but it's knda tough when the recipient is waiting inside with a shotgun to blow your head off! Most of the rest of the story has Bugs and Elmer going back and forth with each other. It's okay, but nothing worth noting.
The ending was a bit of a shock, but knowing the "Ain't I A Stinker?" Bugs Bunny attitude, maybe it wasn't.