Bill and Barbie get a new phone. They share a party line but get a shock when they find out that they are sharing with Eddie and Joan. So Bill decides to wind Eddie up knowing he's listening in.
When Bill buys a brand-new car. Joan tries to convince Eddie that they need one, and after Bill's constant bragging Eddie finally buys ones, but he can only afford a little scrap heap.
When Eddie gets home from holiday, he finds the place overrun: Bill is sitting in his pub chair, the new vicar is Black, a Pakistani now owns the corner shop, and Bill is inviting all his Black friends to the pub.
The White and Black Vicars and Joan and Barbie try to stop the mass punchup between Eddie and his mates and Bill and his mates, planned for 12 o'clock; meanwhile, the two gangs are down at the gym.
After Joan invites Bill and Barbie over, Bill and Eddie hatch a plan to escape to the club.The gang go home with Arthur as he's forgotten his wedding anniversary, though they get stuck in his block of flats lift.
Barbie announces that she's pregnant, Bill brags, and Eddie tries to convince Joan to start a family as well, believing that anything Bill can do, he can do better.