Charles Durning credited as playing...
Les Nichols
- Les: [after falling for Dorothy, he discovers she's a man] Why'd you do it?
- Michael Dorsey: I needed the work.
- Les: The only reason you're still breathing is because I never kissed you.
- Dorothy Michaels: Les, I think there's something I've got to say.
- Les: There's something I want to say, too. Wouldn't it be funny if we both wanted to say the same thing?
- Dorothy Michaels: That *would* be hilarious, but I don't think that what I have to say is what you have to say.
- Les: I'm dating a really nice lady now.
- Michael Dorsey: Oh, you are?
- Les: [stares at him] Do you think I didn't check her out first?
- Les: I can remember years ago, there was none of this talk about what a woman was, what a man was. You just were what you were. And now they have all this stuff about how much you should be like the other sex, so you can be all more the same. Well, I'm sorry, but we're just not, you know.
- Dorothy Michaels: Right.
- Les: Not on a farm, anyway. Bulls are bulls, and roosters don't try to lay eggs.
- Dorothy Michaels: Never.
- Les: I thought you'd be more like one of those, you know, one of them "liberators".
- Dorothy Michaels: Oh, well, you know, I'm not really like the woman you see on the show. I mean, that's just a part. I'm not all that militant.
- Les: Don't get me wrong. I'm all for this equal business. I think women ought to be entitled to have everything and all, et cetera. Except - sometimes I think what they really want is to be entitled to be men. Like men are all equal in the first place - which we're not.
- Dorothy Michaels: No.