Though Michael Landon explains in the beginning in a very poetic way why it is so warm at Christmas in Minnesota, it's still a little hard to believe. Why they let it be so warm - they didn't want to deal with snow and coats, perhaps? Finding Rose would be easier in unseasonably warm weather, and the Wilder's traveling to Walnut Grove would be a lot more convenient as well I suppose.
I'm not going to rehash the entire plot. I'm sure most have seen this episode or can read the main plot on IMDb for themselves. The happenings in Walnut Grove are believable (except for the afore mentioned missing snow and cold) But the happenings with Rose/Sam are a little bit unbelievable...
The fact they found Rose on such a wide prairie in itself was a bit unbelievable. But the conclusion was just downright bizarre! I will tell you that if someone took my child and took him to be their own, I wouldn't have just shrugged it off! I would have turned them into the law and let the law deal with it! And even back then, I seriously doubt they could just leave a orphan with a couple - especially someone who had just kidnapped a little girl!
The star and the "manger" was a bit over the top as well. I'm surprised they didn't find Rose that way! This has always left a sour taste in my stomach at the end....