More vague impressions of a film from a time when the then very cute Kristy McNichol was the hot commodity on TV and film. Truth is I can't remember much of this film other than my peers mentioning it over and over again, and how it had "Kristy McNichol" in it. That was always followed by "She was in Little Darlings... have you seen 'The Night the Lights Went out in Georgia'"?
The movie itself is nothing to brag about. I finally saw it one afternoon, and really didn't quite get the whole thing. In fact, I don't ever remember a single joke or gag. The one thing I remember is Kristy's character driving around this pickup. In fact, that may have been the last shot.
What I do recall is a sappy, not so smart, quasi brother-sister road- trip film that seemed a little thin. Maybe it's because I was never a young teenage girl with an alcoholic brother that keeps me from connecting with this film, I don't really know. What I do know is that I slept through part of it.
I don't know... did this review help anyone? Probably not, but hey, for what it's worth, I can't remember enjoying it a great deal. If you're a woman who had an older brother with issues, or are a huge Kristy McNichol fan, then there may be something here for you.