Savage Nights (1992) Poster


Carlos López: Samy



  • Samy : I'd like to work with you.

    Jean : That's blackmail. You sleep with me and I get you a job?

    Samy : No, you got me wrong.

  • Samy : Are you in a hurry or you always drive like this?

    Jean : Always like this.

    Jean : Who is Mr. Andre?

    Samy : An old queer.

  • Samy : You would have a great scoop if I had fallen.

    Jean : Said it right: *if you had fallen.

    Samy : But wouldn't that be a great news... if I had fallen?

    Jean : Why do you think that I'm interested in filming a death?

    Samy : You could make a lot money, don't you think?

  • Samy : What's your story?

    Jean : I am... me.

    Samy : Do you like guys?

    Jean : What do you think?

    Samy : I'm just asking...

    Jean : Come here... I'm not gonna rape you.

  • Laura : Do you sleep with Jean?

    Samy : I'm not gay.

    Laura : You could do it for interest.

    Samy : You don't know what interests me. I don't care about money, glory, social position. I just need things that excite me, understand?

    Laura : Sleeping with Jean doesn't excite you?

    Samy : Can't you think of another thing? You seem obsessed with this.

    Laura : Do you intend to stay long?

    Samy : I don't know.

    Laura : I don't think you will.

    Samy : Oh really?

    Laura : Yes.

    Samy : How would you know?

    Laura : Because Jean is like this: some come, others go.

    Samy : Is that so? And what are you doing here?

    Laura : This is my house.

    Samy : This is your house? Everybody goes and you stay?

    Laura : That's how it is.

    Samy : You're lucky. But one day someone will occupy this house.

    Laura : Yes, but it won't be you.

See also

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