19 reviews
About a teenaged boy suffering rejection angst who messages The Universe to come and take him away because he doesn't belong on earth. The movie overall is "sweet" - no one is too awful, and nothing too terrible happens to him. The production values are so low as to become distracting; i.e., the aliens are not cute or interesting, the halloween dance has a total of about 20 participants, and his "high tech equipment" consists of a laptop and a backyard satellite dish. You have never heard of any of the actors in this, except for the kid nextdoor neighbor. I watched it because TV Guide rated it very very highly - I wonder what they were thinking of.
- robertsays2182
- Nov 7, 2011
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The first two-thirds of this movie are so neat and so funny, that it is such a shame when the final third is so downright stupid and remedial. It is about a boy, who feels like an outcast at home and school, that he tries to summon aliens using his satellite dish to take him away from Earth. After a lightning incident, aliens finally do hear him, and some of them come to try and take the boy away after he has had second thoughts about leaving. Some of these aliens (especially the lawyer alien) are very hilarious. But then the writing screws up when the boy his friends team up with the school bully to face an evil zoo-keeper alien. This bully-befriending and cliched evil alien make me wonder if we changed writers within the movie. That feeling ruins "Can Of Worms." Zanatos's score: 5 out of 10
Is a really weird movie. But you already knew that. What you didn't know is that it is extremely mediocre and mildly entertaining.
- chrishewittpiano
- Jan 1, 2003
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I am trying so hard to finish this movie to give it a fair chance, but this is extremely painful. I am trying to watch all the old Disney channel original movies and I had never heard of this one before. I was excited for a moment because I like Erika Christiansen from Parenthood and the kid that plays his friend from some episodes of Gilmore girls but the excitement ends there. All the "aliens"? Are SUPER ANNOYING!! Their voices are annoying and several of them are super disturbing to even look at with their too realistic eyes and mouths attached to weird puppety bodies. Please don't waste your time like I did!
- brandi-ferrell
- Oct 29, 2022
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I watched this movie because my favourite actor, Malcolm McDowell does a voice of one of the aliens. I was not very impressed with the story. Young children might find it entertaining for as long as it lasts, but it's not very memorable. The aliens aren't too bad, but the other effects, at the dance and the main character's supposedly high-tech equipment are pretty cheesy. The movie moves very slowly and it takes most of the movie for the premise to set in. If they had either started the movie about half way through and made a bigger deal about the adventure on the other planet, or gone in a totally different direction from the midway point, the movie might have been redeemable. However, it's not. All the characters are pretty shallow. The main character can't seem to decide if he is or isn't an alien. The bully character goes along with their plans just because he is dared which doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Anyway, it's a shallow movie.
Can of Worms is not only one of the most stupidest, but possibly the worst Halloween movie Disney Channel has ever created. Even for straight-to-television, it doesn't excuse to be both cringy and very cheesy. Actually, being a cheesy sci-fi film is just the least of the movie's issues. The story is very basic, the visuals are a joke, the characters have almost no brain, the acting is just overacting, and the animatronics are some of the most disturbing in the worst kind of way. Honestly, I suggest to stay away from this one. Trust me, you will be excruciated the first half hour you watch it. If you want to watch a Halloween related movie by Disney Channel, go watch Don't Look Under The Bed or even the first two Halloweentown films and they are actually much more enjoyable. This is truly the sci fi Disney Channel movie that has little to nothing in entertainment. Well hey, at least we won't have to see those freaks again.
- TheMysteriousReviewer
- Oct 16, 2023
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I think this movie is funny. It is a quirky concept for a movie but it's one that kids will enjoy. I saw it for the first time when I was probably 10 on Disney channel. I thought it was great. I still do. It is a kids movie and kids get it. I love it. Sure the acting isn't the best, but hey, its for KIDS. They don't care. They'll love the weird aliens. It's just a good kids movie. Kids like to create stories which don't make sense to anyone but themselves. This movie is just like that. It makes sense to kids and anyone who understands kids. You just need to watch it and not try to think to hard. Just take it as it is, enjoy the randomness. Love the aliens. My favorite is the dog. But that's just me. Kids will like it.
- dbookworm22
- Dec 6, 2006
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I have no idea what convinced the makers of this movie to make it, but this was the strangest, most discusting, most bizarre movie i have ever seen. The idea of a kid being an alien and not knowing it, and then sending a message to space for them to come get him, strikes me as odd. The acting was poor, and the script sounded like it had been written by a ten year old. On a scale of 1 to 10 i give it a 2.
When I was a child, only at the age of 8 I woke up in a cold sweat while this movie was playing. Traumatic if I do say. I only saw the last 30 minutes of this movie but I had nightmares for the next two years. All I could remember about this movie was the aliens. Everyone thought I was lying, making things up, and after a while I did too. "It must of been a weird dream that suck with me." is what I thought. Oh was I so wrong. Fast forward ten years, I have not stopped thinking about this movie, my every waking moment, every time someone brings up the Critters franchise I have to relish in the fact that its not the movie that has been haunting my thoughts for twelve years.
I finally found this stupid movie, my character arch is over, I can finally rest.
Also. Mike is literally the definition of an incel and does NOT deserve Katelyn lmao.
I finally found this stupid movie, my character arch is over, I can finally rest.
Also. Mike is literally the definition of an incel and does NOT deserve Katelyn lmao.
- briannakrause
- Feb 6, 2022
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- wisteria-17682
- Oct 18, 2023
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Why would anyone actually sit down and decide to make this movie, the monsters are literally the most painful, disturbing things to look at and the cover of the movie is scarier than some covers of actual horror movies. I couldn't even finish this movie because of how bad it was, never watch this movie .. its so bad. The designs of the monsters are so odd aswell, they have human teeth and their eyes are sticking out all weird. I mean, they couldn't even use different teeth for the monsters. The script for the characters are awful too. They talk like a baby wrote it and the only reason I found this movie was because I was looking for new movies on disney plus. Anyways, this is by far the worst movie on there.
- mitsubishizero
- Sep 21, 2023
- Permalink
It was so amazing that it scares me. It's bad but definitely a great bonding experience if you like making fun of movies. The extra terrestrials do get a little creepy but that's about it. It's like being high without being high, it's a journey. And let's not forget the 1992 terrible graphics that just make it immaculate. All over its pretty much only good if you're watching it with other people or you have an hour and 42 minutes to spare.
- cutiepie-41868
- Oct 17, 2020
- Permalink
Beautiful movie! Great imagination and way of presenting common issues. As the main character gets trapped in an environment that mimics his home town it does not quite replace it. This speaks to we as a society or individuals offer others a comfort area or object in order for others to feel at home. However, we miss the most important things which are the connections they have to home not home itself. The alien that collects other creatures and provides them an environment which mimics their hometown may genuinely be trying to help these creatures be happy as they can do as they please in their restricted area. However, he does not see that solitude is not for everyone and that objects (such as a house) is not as important as the relationships they have and their day to day experiences. Many times we too wish to just be abducted by Aliens if only for a moment to not live in such a chaotic world or have to face our fears. However, it is not until we realize that our world has more to offer than our presenting problems that we begin to value it. I watched it as child and for several years still remains a great movie. Perhaps now the special effects may not be as powerful but if you allow yourself to see the movie for what it is and perhaps attempt to see it through a child's eye, or through someone who is eager to please others, someone, who wants to get away, or someone who began their journey with something in mind and lost their purpose on the way, you may greatly enjoy the film.
- c-chavez0149
- Jul 1, 2013
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- samuelmackey
- Nov 18, 2019
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- Thomas-Musings
- Jan 4, 2021
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