16 reviews
If you are a zombie, you might be able to relate to this film.
I cant believe any of the cast put there names to this, it is shockingly bad. The acting is unbelievably bad! I wasted 72 minutes of my life watching this film, and i want them back.
I am ashamed to say that i have watched this god awful steaming pile of crap. Most bad films are quite amusing, but this really is so bad, its not even funny.
Every copy needs tracked down and burned. So bad is this film, i cannot describe it in words! Do not even curb your enthusiasm by watching it, please just stay away! TERRIBLE!
I cant believe any of the cast put there names to this, it is shockingly bad. The acting is unbelievably bad! I wasted 72 minutes of my life watching this film, and i want them back.
I am ashamed to say that i have watched this god awful steaming pile of crap. Most bad films are quite amusing, but this really is so bad, its not even funny.
Every copy needs tracked down and burned. So bad is this film, i cannot describe it in words! Do not even curb your enthusiasm by watching it, please just stay away! TERRIBLE!
A couple of days ago, I watched 'Troll 2' on video and I was astonished with such a bad flick. This 'The Horrible Dr. Bones' has not had the competency to be worse than 'Troll 2', what seems to be impossible, but it is almost there. What a ridiculous trash 'movie'! Certainly it is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The title is very appropriate: Horrible! The ham 'actors' and 'actresses' combined with amateurish direction; awful screenplay; poor effects and make-up, all blended together is a synonym of crap. Fortunately, the videotape does not smell. My vote is two.
Title (Brazil): "O Terrível Dr. Bones" ("The Terrible Dr. Bones")
Title (Brazil): "O Terrível Dr. Bones" ("The Terrible Dr. Bones")
- claudio_carvalho
- Jul 31, 2003
- Permalink
Back when I was in college, instead of going to parties or trying to be "popular", my roommate and I watched a lot of movies.
Midway through the year, we would run out of movies we had actually heard of, and instead began to rent the most horrible looking films we could find (that is how we found Altered States). And It's how we came across the Horrible Doctor Bones.
It's been a few years, but recalling the movie and the plot (heh, heh), I remember some white-boy rapping, an absolutely terrible story, and the longest torso on Dr. Bones that you will ever see on a human. Normally, I am not the best judge of acting talent. For example, I really can't tell the difference in acting between Tom Hanks and Colin Hanks, besides one is quite a bit sexier.
If you are looking for some unintentional comedy, you have found the right movie.
Midway through the year, we would run out of movies we had actually heard of, and instead began to rent the most horrible looking films we could find (that is how we found Altered States). And It's how we came across the Horrible Doctor Bones.
It's been a few years, but recalling the movie and the plot (heh, heh), I remember some white-boy rapping, an absolutely terrible story, and the longest torso on Dr. Bones that you will ever see on a human. Normally, I am not the best judge of acting talent. For example, I really can't tell the difference in acting between Tom Hanks and Colin Hanks, besides one is quite a bit sexier.
If you are looking for some unintentional comedy, you have found the right movie.
Please do not watch this movie. This is just for people like me that like to suffer while watching a terrible horror movie. I can't believe that someone actually find something good about it. The title itself speaks for the movie.
The rapper plot is stupid! The movie is stupid. DR. BONES looks like a loser, he wouldn't scare even the dumb teens from SCREAM.
1/10 -Burn it! Flush the ashes
The rapper plot is stupid! The movie is stupid. DR. BONES looks like a loser, he wouldn't scare even the dumb teens from SCREAM.
1/10 -Burn it! Flush the ashes
- dead_dudeINthehouse
- Jul 13, 2003
- Permalink
This is a morality tale about naive bandmates, tempted by a music mogul promising to make all their dreams come true. Since this is a horror movie, you already know there's a catch. A decent script, strong performances by supporting actress Sara Scott and leads Larry Bates and Darrow Igus, and a different take on Haitian zombie mythology make this an entertaining, if not exceptional, experience.
I admit I was hooked on this movie immediately, and it held my attention for most of its run-time. The pace is slow but it didn't drag--I attribute this, in part, to Igus's gravity, and also to Sara Scott's acting chops and beauty. Igus isn't required to demonstrate great range in this role, but he's very effective as the antagonist.
As stated earlier, the writing, for the most part, is capable, with the exception of the denoument, which feels rushed and unearned. Moreover, it's not clear that anyone learned what they needed to. The special effects and creature make-up are not very good, but I was into the story and leads enough to overlook those details.
Full Moon loves their morality tales. Unlike some of the other movies they've done, this one doesn't rise above the generic expectations, but it does meet them most of the time. It's not a movie I would tell you to seek out, but as I said, I enjoyed it.
I admit I was hooked on this movie immediately, and it held my attention for most of its run-time. The pace is slow but it didn't drag--I attribute this, in part, to Igus's gravity, and also to Sara Scott's acting chops and beauty. Igus isn't required to demonstrate great range in this role, but he's very effective as the antagonist.
As stated earlier, the writing, for the most part, is capable, with the exception of the denoument, which feels rushed and unearned. Moreover, it's not clear that anyone learned what they needed to. The special effects and creature make-up are not very good, but I was into the story and leads enough to overlook those details.
Full Moon loves their morality tales. Unlike some of the other movies they've done, this one doesn't rise above the generic expectations, but it does meet them most of the time. It's not a movie I would tell you to seek out, but as I said, I enjoyed it.
Okay, i was at my local video store to rent some movies when I came across a tape. I looked at the cover and it showed a scary ugly man and the title said "The Horrible Dr. Bones". The cover looked good and I read the back and it sounded like and interesting film. So I rent it for two dollars. I watched from beginning to end and I was very disappointed! It was like the worst film I ever seen in my entire life! I wasted several minutes of my life! The effects are just plain terrible and fake! The effects look like rubber plastic props bought from a little Halloween store for kids I mean seriously! The storyline is terrible! The characters are annoying! The acting Sucks! Literally, nothing in the film makes sense. What a dreadful movie! It's a good thing a didn't buy it! I know what they were trying to do but it did not work at all! They just wasted their money he-he! Please people....this is a warning....don't watch it! Save yourselves!
- georgesalazar33
- May 16, 2009
- Permalink
In my experience, most avid fans of scary movies prefer a heavy metal riff over the electronic rhythms of urban music, but that hasn't stopped several film-makers from mixing rap with the red stuff, hip-hop with horror, and 'phat' beats with bloodcurdling screams. Hood of Horror, for example, was a gory horror anthology presented by rap legend Snoop Dogg, while Leprechaun in tha Hood saw OG Ice-T going head to head with the little Irish fellow with the pot of gold. To my surprise, I actually enjoyed both of these films, and despite being a lifelong rocker, I found myself warming to the whole urban music/horror movie concept—until The Horrible Dr. Bones, that is...
A z-grade effort from director Ted Nicolaou (hiding behind the pseudonym Art Carnage), this torpid tale of terror stars Darrow Igus as Dr. Bones, an evil music impresario who hires up 'n' coming act The Urban Protectors (or is that 'Tha Urban Protectaz'?) as part of his plan to rule the world by combining voodoo chants with the band's live music, thus turning listeners into obedient slaves; similarly, director Ted Nicolaou carries out his dastardly plan to create an army of brain-dead zombies by exposing viewers to a potent combination of terrible script, incredibly dull direction, and risible bargain-basement digital effects. A couple of passable music numbers and the presence of the rather lovely Sarah Scott Davis (as the band's bootylicious lead singer Lisa) narrowly prevented me from fully lapsing into a catatonic state, but it was a close thing. Don't risk having your mind turned to mush by Ted—avoid The Horrible Dr. Bones like the plague.
I rate this film a low, low 2.5 out of 10 (generously rounded up to 3 for IMDb), which, amusingly, is still one of the best scores from all of the current reviewers.
A z-grade effort from director Ted Nicolaou (hiding behind the pseudonym Art Carnage), this torpid tale of terror stars Darrow Igus as Dr. Bones, an evil music impresario who hires up 'n' coming act The Urban Protectors (or is that 'Tha Urban Protectaz'?) as part of his plan to rule the world by combining voodoo chants with the band's live music, thus turning listeners into obedient slaves; similarly, director Ted Nicolaou carries out his dastardly plan to create an army of brain-dead zombies by exposing viewers to a potent combination of terrible script, incredibly dull direction, and risible bargain-basement digital effects. A couple of passable music numbers and the presence of the rather lovely Sarah Scott Davis (as the band's bootylicious lead singer Lisa) narrowly prevented me from fully lapsing into a catatonic state, but it was a close thing. Don't risk having your mind turned to mush by Ted—avoid The Horrible Dr. Bones like the plague.
I rate this film a low, low 2.5 out of 10 (generously rounded up to 3 for IMDb), which, amusingly, is still one of the best scores from all of the current reviewers.
- BA_Harrison
- Apr 12, 2011
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- nogodnomasters
- Jun 13, 2019
- Permalink
- rapmasterwd40
- Feb 11, 2007
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Every once in a while, a movie on the video store shelf catches your eye. Not because it looks like it is going to be a quality film, but because it looks like it will be utter trash. This is a film of that type. For an hour and a half, one has to put up with atrocious acting, home video camera quality visuals, lame special effects, and a plot that never really seem to show up. To make the movie worse the viewer has to sit through about ten minutes of previews for action figures and the soundtrack for both this film and another one of equal bad quality. So, if you are looking for a useless cheesy movie about some guy who wants to take the world over with head exploding rap music (no I did not make that up) then rent this movie right away. If not, find something good.
- Dr. Atomic
- Sep 30, 2000
- Permalink
Just the name of Dr. Bones in the title gave me a shutter, but not in the direction of being scared but of the movie being a complete waste of time. Believe me, if you watch this sad example of a movie, it is a total waste of time. Some of the worst makeup on actors/actresses and I use that term jokingly. The worst effect of someone being electrocuted that I have ever seen. A plot of dead zombies and living zombies which are controlled because of music? I guess the movie was about the dead, and there is no doubt that even the living in the movie were just as dead as this movie is. Skip it and watch another bad movie, "Plan Nine from Outer Space." At least in Plan Nine it is funny!
This movie is worse then bad, it`s boring. The plot (and I use the term in the loosest sort of way here) consists of a DJ/promoter wanting to take over the world by combining a certain type of music with voodoo (need I go on?). To do this he auditions for a new young group with the right sound and offers them the world (no pun intended) to sign with him. The acting is horrible, the special effects are horrible and the plot is horrible....hey, what do you know, I guess it lives up to it`s name after all. My recommendation...if you see it on the shelves at your local rental place...give it a wide berth.
Full Moon Pictures attempted to have a spin-off company...Originally called Alchemy, they changed it too Big City Pictures. This is the 2nd offering from the now defunct spin-off attempt.
The Horrible Dr. Bones has an excellent soundtrack, that even my daughter was dancing to (hey, she is only gonna be 2 in Jan.). The acting was typical B-movie. Wooden, underdeveloped and clumsy. Still, this movie wasn't all that bad. Yes, it was too short, and very rushed at the end. I would have liked to have seen a much more involved climax. Oh, well...Budget Restraints! The character of Dr. Bones was played excellently, and was very rastafarian looking...I liked his cane! And the smile he gives the main character, Jamal, spooky!
Much better than Killjoy, close to Ragdoll...this is just a silly, fun, and fun to make fun of film that should not be taken seriously.
7 out of 10
The Horrible Dr. Bones has an excellent soundtrack, that even my daughter was dancing to (hey, she is only gonna be 2 in Jan.). The acting was typical B-movie. Wooden, underdeveloped and clumsy. Still, this movie wasn't all that bad. Yes, it was too short, and very rushed at the end. I would have liked to have seen a much more involved climax. Oh, well...Budget Restraints! The character of Dr. Bones was played excellently, and was very rastafarian looking...I liked his cane! And the smile he gives the main character, Jamal, spooky!
Much better than Killjoy, close to Ragdoll...this is just a silly, fun, and fun to make fun of film that should not be taken seriously.
7 out of 10
- BHorrorWriter
- Sep 17, 2001
- Permalink
Another reason to get SKY is that regular basic cable movie channels air horrible Horror movies like this! Really, there is nothing positive to comment about this crap. I really tried to be objective while watching it, heck, I tried to hard to not change the channel and put on some MTV in the worst case scenario. I truly can't remember why I decided to watch this one; probably because it got regular attention when it first came out. Now I understand that it was popular among some Horror fans because it's indeed a horrible movie.
The plot makes absolutely no sense and so does the supposedly villain. What the hell was that rap propaganda and sub-plot? The title makes justice to the horrible visual experience that this movie is...
The plot makes absolutely no sense and so does the supposedly villain. What the hell was that rap propaganda and sub-plot? The title makes justice to the horrible visual experience that this movie is...
- insomniac_rod
- Mar 24, 2007
- Permalink
Horrible! Awful! Vile! Ghastly! Terrible! And that's the movie, not the title charactor.
The good doctor it seems is a voodoo priest with a private collection of undead zombies. But he has grown tired of just being able to control the dead. Now he plans to enslave the living as well. And he's got a plan to just that!
With the aid of two technical experts, a hip hip band and his own mystical chanting, Doc Bones hopes to turn the worlds population into mind controlled living zombies.
He need not have bothered. By the time his evil scheme is put into motion, the audience has had their collective brains fried by the intense boredom the film generates.
The good doctor it seems is a voodoo priest with a private collection of undead zombies. But he has grown tired of just being able to control the dead. Now he plans to enslave the living as well. And he's got a plan to just that!
With the aid of two technical experts, a hip hip band and his own mystical chanting, Doc Bones hopes to turn the worlds population into mind controlled living zombies.
He need not have bothered. By the time his evil scheme is put into motion, the audience has had their collective brains fried by the intense boredom the film generates.
- Bynovekka1
- Oct 11, 2001
- Permalink
This is not an oscar contender nor will it be a big hit at cannes but if you enjoy watching people have fun this is the movie for you. Larry Bates plays the band manager Jamal who leads the crusade against evil hip hop promoter Dr. Bones. True it looks like it was filmed on my grandfathers camcorder but the fact that this film doesnt take itself too seriosly adds to its charm. A worthy rental if youve got two hours (and some zombies) to kill!
- adleractor
- Feb 8, 2001
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