Well, what can I say? Without getting too negative here, I'll say that I should have known better when I saw the name SIDNEY J. FURIE (the "director" of the inexcusably awful SUPERMAN IV) pop up in the opening credits. I guess it's my fault that I lost nearly two hours of my life watching "Road Rage."
I've never been in film school, but even I, a layman, can confidently judge the direction of this film as nearly non-existent and completely third-rate (and that's being nice). I won't go in to how bad the dialogue, script, and plot were, because clearly the people responsible for this film have no business being responsible for films. This film, in my opinion, is beyond conventional criticism. If Francis Ford Coppola makes a bad film, you give him a bad review, because you expect better from him. This is not the case here; it is evident that the filmmakers, bless them, just do not belong in their industry.
The acting is beyond subpar -- I even expected a bit more from Casper Van Dien (Starship Troopers). With actors of his variety, however, his performance depends on the guidance of the director, and accordingly, he is completely lacking in Road Rage (to put it mildly). Annoying and hollow would be other words. His leading lady, beautiful and somewhat likable at the start of the film, blows her performance overacting -- which isn't always a terrible thing, but getting away with "overacting" requires knowing something about "regular" acting in the first place. The only decent acting came from the three jocks in the truck. You will grimace and groan through the entire picture. Completely painful.
This may sound dramatic, but ROAD RAGE ruined my Saturday night, and has no redeeming qualities (save, perhaps, for the good looks of the two leads). Disjointed, confused, contrived, and completely lacking in any of the ingredients necessary for creating a suspenseful atmosphere in what is supposed to be a "Suspense" film, ROAD RAGE is definitely one you should give a miss.
A note to Casper Van Dien: since I liked you in Starship Troopers, I'll pretend I didn't see this.
Avoid at all costs!