I have to say I enjoyed the game very much, and would have given it an 8 were it not for two very annoying flaws. The first is that the positions taken by the "camera" were often appalling. Sure you can manually move the view point around, but in the heat of the moment when surrounded by baddies, you simply don't have the time. I found some parts of the game extremely frustrating because of this. The second is that the loading times are excessive, and in my view occasionally unnecessary. Ok, you expect to have to wait for a new level to load, but when you die you have to wait for the current level to re-load.
I think both these flaws are a result of sloppy programming, or maybe the game just needed to spend more time in development instead of rushing a release to coincide with the film. It's a shame, because I very much enjoyed the variety in the gameplay, and the degree of control that, with practise, you can exercise over Spidey. Overall, then, I give it a 6.