No pun or rep intended - not sure if that makes sense. And I am not only talking about my sentence there ... but also about the movie. Well I reckon the movie might make a bit more sense ... actually it is not tough to follow, rather the opposite, using tropes and cliches you are very likely to be familiar with.
Question is how cringe you think this is or rather if it is any good at all. The main character seems too gullible to be true - but we do know that people like that exist in real life. We also know that sexual assault is not uncommon either. Unfortunately - movies like this one may be able to highlight things like that. On the other hand you could also accuse it of exploiting that and making an entertaining (?) movie out of that ... well quality wise this is not worse than other efforts of the same kind ... you either love it or hate it ... and I would hope you understand I mean the revenge part of it and not the first despicable act ... no pun intended.