OK, so I saw all the negative comments about the plot summary for this movie on the message boards and just had to write a little review. This movie was listed on the Cinevegas schedule and I had no intention of going to see it, but there was nothing else going on, so I went with two friends that read the summary and felt the same way I did, "this is gonna suck." Were we totally wrong. The whole theater laughed from start to finish! Hank and Mike are two Easter bunnies that work one day out of the year delivering chocolate Easter eggs to the children on their route because of the "No Child Left Behind" act. Chris Klein's character sees the potential to turn a profit on Easter by laying off some Easter bunnies and selling advertising on the chocolate easter egg wrappers; thus, Hank and Mike get laid off, leaving them with a problem...what other occupation can a Easter bunny do? We then follow Hank and Mike along while they look for a new job and figure out how to get their old one back. Well, my summary doesn't make the movie sound any better, but this is a tongue in cheek comedy with some really racy humor. Hank played by Thomas Michael has so many great one-liners, me and my friends are still laughing about some of them. I believe he pretty much carried the movie as the horny, beer drinking, chain smoking Easter bunny. Chris Klein was OK in this movie, he had one great part where he sings in a lounge a really unromantic love song, I laughed so hard, I cried.
If you like comedies and get the chance to see this movie, go see it, or at least rent it if you see it at the video store because it is worth it, it's hilarious. You should take my word, because I never write movie reviews on here.