Overall, Busty Cops Deuce simply does not compare to its prequel, Busty Cops Uno, "The Beast." I enjoyed the cinematography, however, my eye couldn't leave the seven-foot tall beauty, "El-Gigante." Her stunning stride and quaking howls lends to the pure genius of the film. At one point, the viewer can catch a glimpse of the massive fireball hurled from her innerjaw lining, aimed straight at the mysterious talking llama as he revealed some worthy information to the busty cops. For a free pair of shoes, the women agreed to dance and strip for the curly-haired fellow at his new club...GENIUS. Who else would have thought to offer the Busty Cops new heels...in return, gaining a real sense of their work...heh? Even while flippinng back and forth from the NFC championship game, Busty Cops, at no point, failed to impress. Beautiful screenplay that should definitely win over moviegoers at the tell twelve civic on 14 mile and haggerty.