Prince Zuko: [dressed as the Blue Spirit] Uncle?
Uncle: So, the Blue Spirit? I wonder who could be behind that mask?
Prince Zuko: [sighs and removes mask] What are you doing here?
Uncle: I was just about to ask you the same thing. What do you plan to do now that you've found the Avatar's bison? Keep it locked in our new apartment? Should I go put on a pot of tea for him?
Prince Zuko: First, I have to get it out of here.
Uncle: And then what? You never think these things through. This is exactly what happened when you captured the Avatar at the North Pole. You had him and then you had no where to go!
Prince Zuko: I would have figured something out.
Uncle: No, if his friends hadn't found you, you would have frozen to death!
Prince Zuko: I know my own destiny, Uncle.
Uncle: Is it your *own* destiny, or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you?
Prince Zuko: Stop it, Uncle. I have to do this.
Uncle: I'm begging you, Prince Zuko. It's time for you to look *inward* and begin asking yourself the big questions. Who are you and what do *you* want?
[Zuko yells in frustration and slams his swords on the ground]