Tue, Jul 24, 2018
Twenty years ago, EPR Properties was a $250 million real estate company, focused on movie theaters. Then the internet came along, heralding a new era of home entertainment. Some businesses thought we'd never need to leave the house again. But EPR decided to go in a completely different direction. Today, they have built a $6 billion empire of cool places to go and wild things to do so we could get off our couches and have an experience - even if it scares the pants off us. It's crazy enough to work.
Tue, Aug 7, 2018
The Times has been in a fight for its place in this world. And it's been through the most ambitious change in its long history. Their plan was radical: at a time when competitors were giving away the news for free, they built a global subscriber business. Offering the world journalism that was worth paying for. And a stream of services and content to make it the indispensable companion to modern living. A tall order for a 167-year-old paper product. But just crazy enough to work.
Tue, Aug 28, 2018
Dunkin' Donuts is in the middle of its most competitive market. Ever. From quick-serve restaurant giants to hipsters, everyone is trying to mine the new black gold of coffee. But they want to keep America running on Dunkin'. And they've noticed that America is running - literally sprinting to where it needs to be. And it wants its daily cup to keep up. So, Dunkin' Donuts' plan is to get ahead of the crowd, become less of a sit-down-and-sip and more of a pick-up-your-Joe-and-get-on-the-go. It means turning a 70-year-old bakery into the coffee shop of the future. But it's crazy enough to work.
Tue, Sep 11, 2018
In 1984, Jim Koch was like a lot of folks - he had a decent job, two kids and a mortgage. But Jim also had a burning desire to be independent, and a secret weapon: his great-great-grandfather's beer recipe. He opened his brewery and started to take on the high-volume giants. And his restless innovation has been challenging their status quo ever since. Because, when you're up against something 100 times your size, you have to be different, better, even revolutionary. The spirit of 1776 is alive and well in Boston. And it's crazy enough to work.