- Carol Malloy: Why do you want to work at South Lake animal hospital?
- Ann Mitchell: Ah, I love animals.
- Carol Malloy: Well that certainly is one quality we look for.
- George Mannis: I can see you're new at this.
- Ann Mitchell: Yes, but it does take time to learn a switchboard. Besides, 'whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.' Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe.
- George Mannis: 'Boldness can get you fired'. George Mannis Von Boss.
- Scott Hansen: Just act like everything is normal, business as usual.
- Ann Mitchell: Been trying to do that since the day I started here.
- Ann Mitchell: What are you writing, Mary?
- Vet Tech Mary Wells: Poetry. Because the power of the pen truly is mightier than the sword.
- Ann Mitchell: If I'm ever cornered in a dark alley by someone, I think I'll opt for the sword.
- Gloria Lawton: [last time seeing Ann at her failed health food store] Can I have this box of couscous?
- Ann Mitchell: [after Dr. Hebrun rings a dinner bell to summon the housekeeper] You got her conditioned like Pavlov's dog.
- Dr. 'Doc' Hebrun: You are a funny one.
- Ann Mitchell: I'm calling PETA.
- Scott Hansen: Who's Peter?
- Ann Mitchell: PETA.
- Scott Hansen: Yes. Who is he? I bet you say butta instead of butter, too. You must be from New York. Here in Wisconsin, we say Peter.
- [Ann abruptly stops walking]
- Ann Mitchell: PETA is an organization. P.E.T.A., means People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
- Scott Hansen: Oh. Never heard of them.