Harry Eden credited as playing...
Teenage Joe Scot
- Young Joe Scot: How long did God take to make the world?
- Young Jesse Scot: Six days, and He rested on the seventh.
- Young Joe Scot: Well He should have taken longer, then He would have done a better job. I could have done it better.
- [lying on an plush white carpet]
- Young Ruth: This feels good.
- Young Joe Scot: I read that book... by whatsisname?
- Young Ruth: William Burroughs.
- Young Joe Scot: Yeah, "Junkie."
- Young Ruth: Did you like it?
- Young Joe Scot: No, not really.
- Young Ruth: So it's back to The Hobbit then.
- [Joe laughs]
- Boots: [In the Tunnel] Hey Joe! You know David Bowie believes in aliens?
- Young Joe Scot: Yeah, I know.
- [pause]
- Young Joe Scot: You stink! You need a bath.
- Boots: I had a bath.
- Young Joe Scot: When?
- Boots: I...
- [thinking]
- Young Joe Scot: Exactly! You never take a bath! You stink!
- Boots: Well, how often do you have a bath then?
- Young Joe Scot: Every day.
- Boots: Every day?
- Young Joe Scot: Yes, every day.
- Boots: What, does your mom make you?
- Young Joe Scot: No, I just like to be clean.
- Boots: Everyday's not clean, everyday's weird!