Honestly, I wasn't expecting much, but Ghouls actually turned out to be worse than expected. The only redeeming values were the acting of Kristen Renton and Erin Gray and the locations. But nothing else works, and as decent as those components are the overall standard of the film threatens constantly to cheapen them. The editing is as far from slick as you'd go and the effects are poorly constructed and fake. There is also a lazy script, relying on cheesy dialogue, scares that have a very deja-vu feel to them and stilted line delivery, and the story is dull in pace and predictable in storytelling. The characters manage to not only be clichéd but also not very likable. The acting other than Renton and Grey is terrible, and this is including William Atherton, a good actor wasted by sleepwalking through his role. Overall, ghoulish schlock of the highest order, nothing interesting or scary to be seen here. 2/10 Bethany Cox