Thu, May 17, 2018
Thanks to a contest, Toni takes her mother Heidi on a holiday from the restaurant. She doesn't really feel like it, but who can resist a week-long luxury trip at the Baltic Sea? At home, Rufus, Toni's partner in life and business, is quite content to have the place to himself. After all, the gourmet chef is still working on getting back his star by continuing his high-class cuisine in Toni's humble country kitchen. Meanwhile, Heidi surprisingly runs into Ivo again, Rufus' ex-head waiter, who now works as a maître d' in a hotel. Again, there's love in the air, and Heidi wants to start over with Ivo right then and there. Toni's calls for caution sure fall on deaf ears.
Thu, Mar 4, 2021
Eifel landlady Toni Janssen has the blues. The unexpected single life is just as depressing as the decline of the Kupferkanne restaurant without the cooking skills of her "ex". However, giving up is out of the question for her mother Heidi. When the entrepreneur, who is keen to invest, hires the gardener Ron, he surprises with charming advances. What Heidi can hardly believe at first soon puts her in a love frenzy. However, daughter Toni is not very impressed by this - she herself has kept an eye on Heidi's younger lover.
Thu, Mar 11, 2021
Eifel landlady Toni Janssen and her mother Heidi are again running the copper jug in a team of two. While Heidi's pension is running at full speed, Toni wants to shift down a few gears at her newly renovated country inn. The new name "Kupferknnchen" is supposed to stand for a less ambitious concept: home-style cooking for the bar guests. However, her new chef, Sebastian Holtmann, has the highest culinary demands. He not only has a lot on the pan, but also appears extremely self-confident. Toni is astonished that Sebastian would prefer to reopen under his name. She is surprised to meet her father Kurt, who left his family 33 years ago and now lives on the street. Heidi reacts annoyed when Toni, unsuspecting, pulls in her father, whom she accidentally took in the car. And Toni could tease that she met her papa this way. Now she does not let her parents quarrel out of duty: no excuses - she wants to hear the whole story. While Kurt stands by his mistakes, Heidi is not very informative. It is true that she doesn't leave the irresponsible slacker good. But Heidi didn't do everything right either.
Thu, Apr 2, 2020
Rufus van Berg flies to Madeira for a cooking class. Toni learns from Mama Heidi that she wants to be a grandma soon. That is faster than expected. Suddenly the autistic Mia, supposedly the daughter of Rufus, stands in the door. Her mother Annette, Rufus' ex-girlfriend, has to travel and therefore needs a place to stay for the 15-year-old girl. Heidi likes the child straight away, only Toni has problems with the unexpected child.
Thu, Nov 3, 2022
What use is the best recipe if the ingredients are missing? Eifel landlady Toni Janssen needs the right person for her desire to have children, but who should not be the man for life right away. The fact that her "ex" Hajü of all people suddenly has hopes again after an alcohol-intoxicated slip up annoys Toni more than the rumors that are emerging in Mechernich. In the meantime, senior teacher Mathias and his wife Kerstin rented a room in the Eifel pension to celebrate the silver wedding anniversary in an unusual way. At first, Heidi does not realize that the stylish businesswoman is a former childhood friend with whom she had broken off contact at the time. While the German teacher meticulously prepares everything to demonstratively renew the vows at the celebration, his wife doesn't seem to be romantic. As Heidi learns from her, there is someone else in Kerstin's life. Now the innkeeper not only wants to help her friend, but also wants to make up for a rejection from back then.
Thu, Oct 27, 2022
Bei den Janssen-Frauen steht Veränderung ins Haus: Toni will endlich auch privat auf eigenen Beinen stehen und hat sich entschieden, zu ihrer frisch getrennten, besten Freundin Andrina nach Mechernich zu ziehen. Mit der Gründung einer Frauen-WG will sich Toni auch dem Einfluss von Mutter Heidi entziehen, es ist Zeit für sie, endlich erwachsen zu werden. Doch was mit viel Enthusiasmus beginnt, wird schon bald den harten Boden der Realität berühren. Für Heidi bleibt gar nicht viel Zeit, ihrer geliebten Tochter hinterher zu trauern, steht doch plötzlich, nach vielen Jahren der Funkstille, ihre Zwillingsschwester Claudia vor ihr. Bislang hatte Heidi erfolgreich verdrängt, dass sie die Pension und das "Tonis" auf dem Erbe ihrer Eltern aufgebaut hat, wovon ihrer Schwester Claudia die Hälfte zusteht. Nun verlangt Claudia ihren rechtmäßigen Anteil, was den Ruin der Janssen-Frauen bedeuten würde. Dazu kommt noch, dass Heidi von heftigen Schuldgefühlen geplagt ist, da sie mit ihrem Verhalten in der Vergangenheit die Verantwortung für das zerrüttete Verhältnis zu ihrer Schwester trägt. Doch nicht nur Heidi und Toni haben Probleme. Auch im "Tonis" herrscht angespannte Stimmung - Chefkoch Sebastian Holtmann rechnet täglich mit Restaurantkritikern und will dem Restaurant zu Ruhm verhelfen. Eine Situation, die Toni aus ihrer früheren Ehe mit Sternkoch Rufus nur allzu gut kennt.