No, this is not a masterpiece, but if you just wanna have fun and enjoy a movie where you don't have to feel like you're in film study and need to analyze every single scene, then you will have a good time with this movie. I truly do not understand why there are people out there that will only like a movie if it's the greatest movie ever made where every scene is a creation of pure brilliance that must be discussed for decades to come. I guess some people either can't enjoy something unless it's flawless or they're just unhappy and refuse to have fun. If you don't like the movie because it's just not for you, then all the power to you, I have no criticism for your criticism of the movie; we're all different and allowed to have our own opinions and preferences. It's the reviews I see where people are just stating vague things that they say make the movie bad and it honestly makes me feel happy because it reminds me that I'm the type of person who looks for the good, not the bad, and that I can find joy in many things. I hope you enjoy this movie or enjoyed it if you're reading this post watch. If you didn't, but your reasons are honest and true to yourself, then that's ok too. Love yourself. Love others. Bye.