At the Halloween party, James finds himself reliving the same night until his crush helps him break the time loop, but his fairytale soon becomes a nightmare.
Mr. Bratt tells the teens about Harold Biddle and his house, bringing them closer to discovering the truth about who's responsible for what's haunting Port Lawrence.
The group makes new discoveries about Harold Biddle as they search for a way out of their new reality and back to the real world. In the meantime, Nora travels to her remote cabin to keep an old horror at bay.
The teens go on a road trip to Seattle where they plan to stay with Margot's mom. In the meantime, Mr. Bratt writes a fictionalized version of the happenings in Port Lawrence and will to go to great lengths to find the perfect ending.
The teens return from their Seattle trip to discover that their loved ones are in grave danger and they must band together to save Port Lawrence from a new evil that's taken over the town.