In the wake of New Zealand's devastating events, troubled Detective Robin returns to Sydney for a fresh start, however, the wounds of the past are deep and angry. A suitcase with a rather appalling content summons dark memories.
The gruesome sight of a decomposed Asian Jane Doe sends shivers down the spine, furthermore, a long-awaited meeting and an utterly unforeseen finding will give at last a new meaning in life as well as a vigorous thrust in the case.
Robin follows a hunch after the grave and unanticipated mismatched DNA results, additionally, she struggles to make up for lost time while an inescapable encounter with a sour remnant from New Zealand will lead to incendiary consequences.
Out of the blue, a Silk 41 regular offers a probably pivotal breakthrough, furthermore, Mary's 18th birthday will yield the fruits of shock and devotion, hand in hand with a sinful suggestion and an appalling paroxysm of violence.
At last, Robin has a positive identification of the unfortunate China Girl, in the background of a bitter, still, head-to-head clash between kith and kin and an unbearably insatiable thirsting for a sacrifice in the name of love.
After the senseless shooting at Silk 41, one ends up dead and a sex worker is held hostage, while in the background of an acrimonious manifesto, all clues will inevitably lead Robin back to where it all started: the sun-kissed Bondi Beach.