There are many of these "massacre" homage to 1980's slasher films and instantly we know just about what to expect. Considering this is a lower budget independent film, we know the picture quality isn't to be the greatest, the acting would be relatively amateurish, the gore would be either excessive and cheap looking and the tone which is meant to be menacing doesn't come off that way.
Of course as seen with these type of films, the director, writers make sure to include an abundance of "unnecessary" scenes of nudity (the typical brief shower scenes, the undressing scenes, casual rape torture scenes, and more). Essentially all the main women strip for at least a scene.
Overall it's simply a film with little creativity and originality. We have seen these premises done before and done better. Also the film isn't funny and very standard generic. No jump scares, no tension, so real surprises.
Then the twist of the villain reveal was extremely predictable which was meant to be a shocking reveal, simply wasn't. Not much was explained as to how the villain was able to go to each house with no one noticing and why they were killing off these random women. We didn't get to know for these characters so there wasn't any real sympathetic feeling once they got killed. Also very tame looking kills.