18 reviews
I fell for the hype.
I rented Dagr on YouTube and I am very disappointed. This is such a bog standard found footage film it feels like I've already seen it!
How any filmmakers can produce something this generic is beyond me.
And well, if you're going to copy something copy something good at least. Maybe even try putting a new spin on it.
This is just lazy film making. I get it's ultra low budget but don't then try getting us to believe it's on a Blair Witch level of creativity. It's not. Far from it.
The acting is terrible. Yep I get the YouTubers are probably supposed to be annoying but the whole thing just feels like a joke.
There's no actual tension. Not even a decent jump scare to give us something to feel.
There's so many better movies about strange cults. Watch one of them instead.
Even though it's not amazing itself if you want to watch a modern take on British cults this year then try Lord of Misrule. Again it's not amazing but it's far better than this.
I rented Dagr on YouTube and I am very disappointed. This is such a bog standard found footage film it feels like I've already seen it!
How any filmmakers can produce something this generic is beyond me.
And well, if you're going to copy something copy something good at least. Maybe even try putting a new spin on it.
This is just lazy film making. I get it's ultra low budget but don't then try getting us to believe it's on a Blair Witch level of creativity. It's not. Far from it.
The acting is terrible. Yep I get the YouTubers are probably supposed to be annoying but the whole thing just feels like a joke.
There's no actual tension. Not even a decent jump scare to give us something to feel.
There's so many better movies about strange cults. Watch one of them instead.
Even though it's not amazing itself if you want to watch a modern take on British cults this year then try Lord of Misrule. Again it's not amazing but it's far better than this.
- sgildea-78306
- Apr 21, 2024
- Permalink
Based on some really positive reviews, I watched this movie with the hope of finding a nice little horror gem. I was sadly disappointed.
As is typical of most (mediocre) horror, the film spends about 30 minutes in the preamble, but does very little to establish the setting or characters beyond some pretty standard tropes. Given the overall short runtime, I was floored that they spent nearly half the movie's screen time on inane establishing dialogue and nothing-burger scenes. Not even really much to foreshadow or set a creepy tone--just minute after minute of yawn-inducing banter.
Even the "scary" bits were completely tired, run-of-the-mill fodder like eerie whispers and doors closing. Nothing you haven't seen in dozens of other horror films. And that's pretty much the entire movie: rehashed, regurgitated horror tropes with very little novelty or innovation.
Don't believe the hype. This movie is middling dreck at best, and not worth your money if you're at all picky about your horror films.
As is typical of most (mediocre) horror, the film spends about 30 minutes in the preamble, but does very little to establish the setting or characters beyond some pretty standard tropes. Given the overall short runtime, I was floored that they spent nearly half the movie's screen time on inane establishing dialogue and nothing-burger scenes. Not even really much to foreshadow or set a creepy tone--just minute after minute of yawn-inducing banter.
Even the "scary" bits were completely tired, run-of-the-mill fodder like eerie whispers and doors closing. Nothing you haven't seen in dozens of other horror films. And that's pretty much the entire movie: rehashed, regurgitated horror tropes with very little novelty or innovation.
Don't believe the hype. This movie is middling dreck at best, and not worth your money if you're at all picky about your horror films.
I like this genre: found footage horror with a dose of self awareness. But, the lead in is WAAAAYYYYY too long and it definitely doesn't need to be given how little info you actually need to understand for the film premise to make sense. Seemed like they were trying to kill time in order to make it a full feature. There are so. Many. Driving. Shots. Also a lot of talking to random farm animals that they encounter. In general I feel like the two main actors (the thieving girls) are meant to be cute-bubbly sorts but they are also a bit annoying, think Kitty and Lydia from Pride and Prejudice 2005. I think this is mostly the case though because there is so much filler so they are talking and exclaiming a lot but it's very unfocussed/doesn't need to be in the film. That being said, still giving 5 stars because it does get some good creepy bits in and there are some interesting story points in the second half of the film. But you can pretty much read the synopsis and skip the first half of the film without missing a beat.
- alishaisla
- Sep 16, 2024
- Permalink
- shaikhakhalfan
- Aug 17, 2024
- Permalink
When two internet pranksters arrive to disrupt a photo-shoot, something evil decides to call it a wrap.
Just about the lowest rating I've given a movie.
A few references to film school and the profession suggest the makers are well aware of their craft, and there does seem to be an enormous number of cameras in play, but nothing is done with care or intelligence. As for the writing, it takes 30 minutes to dole out information that could have been injected through high-tempo montage. But then a literally in-your-face tribute to Blair Witch - followed by the fatigue of realizing that nobody in this production understood anything about that found-footage classic and its unifying concept. Instead, it delivers frights at the same level as one of those daft ghost-hunter TV shows - but without the shadows.
When presented with a spectacularly bad argument, scientists have a cutting put down: "not even wrong". This is the film version of that argument.
An extra point for the one glimmer of charm, the actor playing Thea, whose surname I'd like to pronounce nice and proper.
Just about the lowest rating I've given a movie.
A few references to film school and the profession suggest the makers are well aware of their craft, and there does seem to be an enormous number of cameras in play, but nothing is done with care or intelligence. As for the writing, it takes 30 minutes to dole out information that could have been injected through high-tempo montage. But then a literally in-your-face tribute to Blair Witch - followed by the fatigue of realizing that nobody in this production understood anything about that found-footage classic and its unifying concept. Instead, it delivers frights at the same level as one of those daft ghost-hunter TV shows - but without the shadows.
When presented with a spectacularly bad argument, scientists have a cutting put down: "not even wrong". This is the film version of that argument.
An extra point for the one glimmer of charm, the actor playing Thea, whose surname I'd like to pronounce nice and proper.
Trying to carry out a new prank, a pair of women on a massively popular prank channel decide to crash a commercial shoot in the countryside that looks abandoned, but when they go through the recovered footage from the shoot discover there's a deadly evil summoned to kill them and is now after them.
This was a decent enough effort if only let down by a few major factors. What works nicely here is the manner in which the reveal of what's haunting the house comes to be, which is quite effective and chilling. The occult rituals that were said to take place here with the past occupants of the house finding themselves battling this supernatural force only for the new girls to come across the same thing when they arrive makes for a fun time here. The encounters in the house that take place in the second half, where they not only face the robed figure but also see the influence of its actions on the film crew they thought they were interacting with makes for fun time as the use of a creepy location and chilling action makes for a frenetic and thrilling time. The main problem here is the exhausting and draining build-up to get there as this one really takes its toll getting to this point. Focusing on some of the vapidest and irritating social media personalities who are no more righteous than the people they claim to be committing these against makes for a tough time really caring about what's going on. That comes off even worse when they're positioned as the moral center of what's going on as the antics are said to be so popular, but given that hardly anything interesting is happening either with them or the other film crew on location before they arrive leaves this with little explanation or purpose and drains this one overall.
Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Violence.
This was a decent enough effort if only let down by a few major factors. What works nicely here is the manner in which the reveal of what's haunting the house comes to be, which is quite effective and chilling. The occult rituals that were said to take place here with the past occupants of the house finding themselves battling this supernatural force only for the new girls to come across the same thing when they arrive makes for a fun time here. The encounters in the house that take place in the second half, where they not only face the robed figure but also see the influence of its actions on the film crew they thought they were interacting with makes for fun time as the use of a creepy location and chilling action makes for a frenetic and thrilling time. The main problem here is the exhausting and draining build-up to get there as this one really takes its toll getting to this point. Focusing on some of the vapidest and irritating social media personalities who are no more righteous than the people they claim to be committing these against makes for a tough time really caring about what's going on. That comes off even worse when they're positioned as the moral center of what's going on as the antics are said to be so popular, but given that hardly anything interesting is happening either with them or the other film crew on location before they arrive leaves this with little explanation or purpose and drains this one overall.
Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Violence.
- kannibalcorpsegrinder
- Apr 7, 2024
- Permalink
Despite its short runtime, "Dagr" manages to bore the viewers within a short timespan. As a matter of fact, you have to sit through more than half the film before some attempts at horror tropes appear. This is just one of the more tangible evidences of Matthew Butler-Hart's struggles with the writing and direction of "Dagr". Whatever his point with this film was (I'm sure he had one) is not displayed even at the slightest. Some sort of social commentary? Who knows? When the folk horror themes is unraveled at the end, no answers are given anyways due to its convolution. And yes, we've seen the found-footage-within-a-found-footage horror movie trick before.
I personally loved it and agree with the reviewers - if you GET the slightly odd British humour, you'll love this! So deliciously silly, but with a genuine creepiness that stayed with me for hours afterwards.
Bear in mind that this is a very low-budget film shot on iPhone. Saying that, what they've done with it is extremely well put together.
I love that they spend the time to get to know the characters properly, so that we care about what happens to them. Too many no-budget found footage films never spend the time or effort in creating real characters, and this was a breath of fresh air.
There are lots of tiny hidden things that you'll miss if you're not careful, which also means it deserves a second viewing.
I think this will definitely find its audience, but if you're after a load of gore, then maybe look for something else.
Bear in mind that this is a very low-budget film shot on iPhone. Saying that, what they've done with it is extremely well put together.
I love that they spend the time to get to know the characters properly, so that we care about what happens to them. Too many no-budget found footage films never spend the time or effort in creating real characters, and this was a breath of fresh air.
There are lots of tiny hidden things that you'll miss if you're not careful, which also means it deserves a second viewing.
I think this will definitely find its audience, but if you're after a load of gore, then maybe look for something else.
- stephaniecoutts-36982
- Apr 6, 2024
- Permalink
This was a movie that I got the chance to see thanks to Kimi from Studio Dome. Along with Shirly, they sent over the screener. The Horror Collective got this and I've enjoyed what I've seen from them. I didn't read the blurb, just making sure this was horror and seeing that it was a 2024 release for my Foray through the Fours helps as well. I was able to come into this one blind.
Synopsis: fame seeking YouTubers find themselves in a paranormal nightmare when the advert team they are stealing from awakens a murderous occultist from the past.
We start this with Louise (Riz Moritz) and Thea (Ellie Duckles) who are the YouTubers. The best way I can describe them is that they're like 'Robin Hood'. They steal from the rich to sell items and donate the money to charity. Their YouTube moniker is creative, being a play on Thelma and Louise. Something of note, they must hide their faces to avoid prosecution so they use 'Bit Emojis' to convey their expressions.
This then shifts over to a team of Tori (Tori Butler-Hart), Gray (Graham Butler) and Hattie (Hattie Chapman). They're at a remote house setting up for a film shoot. This is going to be done in black and white. The on-screen talent is Matt (Matt Barber) and Emma (Emma King). The first issue they run into is that the internet is down, when they were assured that it works perfect. They also must deal with Matt and Emma while filming, both have issues with each other. It doesn't help that the catering team isn't there to help alleviate issues as people are hungry and thirsty.
That is where Louise and Thea come in. They've accepted the job, but they're late. The plan is to rob them as the synopsis says. The duo sets up cameras to film it for their next episode. There is an issue though. When they show up, there doesn't seem to be anyone there. They look at footage that was previously shot to fill us and themselves in. We've gotten history about this place as they traveled there. There's a dark history and that force is still here.
I think that is where I'll leave my recap and introduction to the characters. Where I want to start is saying that this is filmed in the style of 'found footage'. We have Louise and Thea both with their phones filming content. We also have Tori and her crew using a digital camera of sorts. Something interesting was that while watching the credits, this whole thing was filmed on iPhones. Not the first time that I've seen that done, but I will say it is still amazing to me.
With that set up, we know from the beginning that this is edited together by professionals. They were able to obtain footage from the police, which that information is given in the beginning. We then met Louise and Thea. They are your typical YouTubers. I'm guessing they'd fall into Gen-Z. What I like about them is that they're against the rich. They don't look like they've had many struggles in their life, but instead of working a normal job, they have their channel. Stealing from the rich to give to charity is a gray area, but I respect it as well. They're smart enough to edit their footage to prevent getting in trouble. It feels like Moritz and Duckles are old friends so that adds realism as well. What I like is that they get under each other's skin which feels normal. Credit to both.
Then the other group is Tori, Gray and Hattie. We see them arrive at the shooting location. Tori gets frustrated since they were supposed to send the first set of footage to someone to approve the location. It doesn't go through so that is a setback. This is just a series of them. Matt and Emma are a bit high maintenance which causes issues. I will say though, everyone's acting here feels natural for what they needed to make this work as well.
The last bit would be the supernatural. I like the little things that we get to help fill in the backstory. Louise and Thea stop off to get directions in a village. It is near the house they're going to. It is there they learn about a cult in the area. Louise even buys one of their masks, which is on the poster I saw for this movie. That is creepy. We get images and scenes where footage that's been shot messes up and shows us different things. There are hooded figures in it and maybe even a sacrifice. Inside of the house, a television turns on to show Professor Ash Blake (Luca Thompson). He came to this house to do research. It is through him that we learn about a druid group in the area. Their leader was Lord Somerton and he thought if he did certain rituals, it would give him eternal life. This is an info dump, but I thought it worked for what we needed to drive this along. We also don't necessarily focus on him. While the TV is playing the footage, our characters are checking the room. It would put this into folk horror, which I'm a sucker for.
Where I'll end this out then is filmmaking. I do like found footage films. My issue is one that others have; would these people continue to film? A good thing here is that Tori's crew were filming for the purpose to send to the investors and doing b-roll. When Thea and Louise show up, they set up cameras for their episode. This duo I could see carrying a camera around since they seem to film everything they do. There are also characters who flee into the darkness so they need their device for light. Now I liked the editing. Tori's crew already started filming so I like that we fill in what we've missed by having the duo come in and watch it on an iPad. This leads to them getting caught up and trapped with the other group. Then for effects, these are limited for the most part since we don't see a lot. The blood we do get looks good. I like the druid look. My issue is the digital messing up of the footage. This gets on my nerves and it's used a lot here. There is something done here with a druid appearing and disappearing in shots, that's creepy to me. Other than that, since this is edited footage, it makes sense there's a soundtrack. The design also works with creepy chanting and crow's cawing. That adds atmosphere.
In conclusion, I thought this was a solid found footage horror films. It isn't necessarily doing anything new. What I'll credit this for though building a good atmosphere. The acting felt real enough. This is made well. I can believe why people are filming. I thought there were good things with editing, sound design and effects. My only issue there is the digital messing up of footage. That got on my nerves. This won't be for everyone, but I thought this was a tight little film that was creepy. Things here and there could have made this better, but not a bad watch by stretch.
My Rating: 7 out of 10.
Synopsis: fame seeking YouTubers find themselves in a paranormal nightmare when the advert team they are stealing from awakens a murderous occultist from the past.
We start this with Louise (Riz Moritz) and Thea (Ellie Duckles) who are the YouTubers. The best way I can describe them is that they're like 'Robin Hood'. They steal from the rich to sell items and donate the money to charity. Their YouTube moniker is creative, being a play on Thelma and Louise. Something of note, they must hide their faces to avoid prosecution so they use 'Bit Emojis' to convey their expressions.
This then shifts over to a team of Tori (Tori Butler-Hart), Gray (Graham Butler) and Hattie (Hattie Chapman). They're at a remote house setting up for a film shoot. This is going to be done in black and white. The on-screen talent is Matt (Matt Barber) and Emma (Emma King). The first issue they run into is that the internet is down, when they were assured that it works perfect. They also must deal with Matt and Emma while filming, both have issues with each other. It doesn't help that the catering team isn't there to help alleviate issues as people are hungry and thirsty.
That is where Louise and Thea come in. They've accepted the job, but they're late. The plan is to rob them as the synopsis says. The duo sets up cameras to film it for their next episode. There is an issue though. When they show up, there doesn't seem to be anyone there. They look at footage that was previously shot to fill us and themselves in. We've gotten history about this place as they traveled there. There's a dark history and that force is still here.
I think that is where I'll leave my recap and introduction to the characters. Where I want to start is saying that this is filmed in the style of 'found footage'. We have Louise and Thea both with their phones filming content. We also have Tori and her crew using a digital camera of sorts. Something interesting was that while watching the credits, this whole thing was filmed on iPhones. Not the first time that I've seen that done, but I will say it is still amazing to me.
With that set up, we know from the beginning that this is edited together by professionals. They were able to obtain footage from the police, which that information is given in the beginning. We then met Louise and Thea. They are your typical YouTubers. I'm guessing they'd fall into Gen-Z. What I like about them is that they're against the rich. They don't look like they've had many struggles in their life, but instead of working a normal job, they have their channel. Stealing from the rich to give to charity is a gray area, but I respect it as well. They're smart enough to edit their footage to prevent getting in trouble. It feels like Moritz and Duckles are old friends so that adds realism as well. What I like is that they get under each other's skin which feels normal. Credit to both.
Then the other group is Tori, Gray and Hattie. We see them arrive at the shooting location. Tori gets frustrated since they were supposed to send the first set of footage to someone to approve the location. It doesn't go through so that is a setback. This is just a series of them. Matt and Emma are a bit high maintenance which causes issues. I will say though, everyone's acting here feels natural for what they needed to make this work as well.
The last bit would be the supernatural. I like the little things that we get to help fill in the backstory. Louise and Thea stop off to get directions in a village. It is near the house they're going to. It is there they learn about a cult in the area. Louise even buys one of their masks, which is on the poster I saw for this movie. That is creepy. We get images and scenes where footage that's been shot messes up and shows us different things. There are hooded figures in it and maybe even a sacrifice. Inside of the house, a television turns on to show Professor Ash Blake (Luca Thompson). He came to this house to do research. It is through him that we learn about a druid group in the area. Their leader was Lord Somerton and he thought if he did certain rituals, it would give him eternal life. This is an info dump, but I thought it worked for what we needed to drive this along. We also don't necessarily focus on him. While the TV is playing the footage, our characters are checking the room. It would put this into folk horror, which I'm a sucker for.
Where I'll end this out then is filmmaking. I do like found footage films. My issue is one that others have; would these people continue to film? A good thing here is that Tori's crew were filming for the purpose to send to the investors and doing b-roll. When Thea and Louise show up, they set up cameras for their episode. This duo I could see carrying a camera around since they seem to film everything they do. There are also characters who flee into the darkness so they need their device for light. Now I liked the editing. Tori's crew already started filming so I like that we fill in what we've missed by having the duo come in and watch it on an iPad. This leads to them getting caught up and trapped with the other group. Then for effects, these are limited for the most part since we don't see a lot. The blood we do get looks good. I like the druid look. My issue is the digital messing up of the footage. This gets on my nerves and it's used a lot here. There is something done here with a druid appearing and disappearing in shots, that's creepy to me. Other than that, since this is edited footage, it makes sense there's a soundtrack. The design also works with creepy chanting and crow's cawing. That adds atmosphere.
In conclusion, I thought this was a solid found footage horror films. It isn't necessarily doing anything new. What I'll credit this for though building a good atmosphere. The acting felt real enough. This is made well. I can believe why people are filming. I thought there were good things with editing, sound design and effects. My only issue there is the digital messing up of footage. That got on my nerves. This won't be for everyone, but I thought this was a tight little film that was creepy. Things here and there could have made this better, but not a bad watch by stretch.
My Rating: 7 out of 10.
- Reviews_of_the_Dead
- Apr 10, 2024
- Permalink
Saw the 4.7 and thought ok lets try it.
It was almost too painful to watch and I had to resort to the fast forward button. The action, if you can call it that doesn't start until 3/4 of the way into the film.
Whilst realising this is meant to be from the perspective of a youtubers camera I have to say I think my primary school age daughter could have done better.
In short its a painfully long drawn out build up to what amounts to a half cooked attempt at supernatural horror.
Make sure you bring lots of energy drink because you need it to prevent yourself from falling asleep.
Bring a pot of paint too and hit the walls with it. You might find the paint drying is more fun to watch.
It was almost too painful to watch and I had to resort to the fast forward button. The action, if you can call it that doesn't start until 3/4 of the way into the film.
Whilst realising this is meant to be from the perspective of a youtubers camera I have to say I think my primary school age daughter could have done better.
In short its a painfully long drawn out build up to what amounts to a half cooked attempt at supernatural horror.
Make sure you bring lots of energy drink because you need it to prevent yourself from falling asleep.
Bring a pot of paint too and hit the walls with it. You might find the paint drying is more fun to watch.
I saw the trailer before the movie came out and I was pretty excited for it. Watched it with some expectations but didn't expect much from it.
Turned out to be complete disaster. The storyline is just boring and doesn't make any sense. It just looks like the movie is made out of random clips not even connected to each other. Characters don't have a personality and we can't really bond with them. They do stupid decision and die for no reason.
Cheap jumpscares and actors that can't really express emotions. They talked too many useless things that didn't bring anything to the "story"
Overall the movie wanted to be a cheap copy of movie "Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor"
Don't recommend watching it 😐
Turned out to be complete disaster. The storyline is just boring and doesn't make any sense. It just looks like the movie is made out of random clips not even connected to each other. Characters don't have a personality and we can't really bond with them. They do stupid decision and die for no reason.
Cheap jumpscares and actors that can't really express emotions. They talked too many useless things that didn't bring anything to the "story"
Overall the movie wanted to be a cheap copy of movie "Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor"
Don't recommend watching it 😐
- Tynka-64129
- Aug 22, 2024
- Permalink
Wow...this is one of the worst movies I've seen this year so far. They jabber on and make YouTube content for F O R T Y straight minutes. I'm not sure why I continued to watch past thirty minutes but I did.
I truly regret not turning it off then.
At 41 minutes the movies tries and fails to get interesting.
At 45 minutes in...we turned it off. It was THAT bad.
It's so bad that I felt obligated to write a review to save anyone else contemplating watching this.
Do not waste your time on this folks.
And if you do, don't pretend you weren't warned.
I truly regret not turning it off then.
At 41 minutes the movies tries and fails to get interesting.
At 45 minutes in...we turned it off. It was THAT bad.
It's so bad that I felt obligated to write a review to save anyone else contemplating watching this.
Do not waste your time on this folks.
And if you do, don't pretend you weren't warned.
- bossladybelite
- Aug 10, 2024
- Permalink
- youngerc-88820
- Sep 21, 2024
- Permalink
I saw this title advertised and came here to check it out. It had like a 6 yesterday. So I got it and watched it. I don't understand where in the world they got the 6 from. Now it's a 4.9. And it had over 1k yesterday. Anyway, if it looks too good to be true it probably is...
So yeah. This has got to be one of the seemingly lowest budget films I've seen in a while. They like rented a mediocre, cheap villa in the English countryside, probably on Airbnb. And they rented 3 cars. And probably advertised on Craigslist for 2 main and 4 supporting actors... or wherever it is you get actors 'off the street' these days. I think the whole thing was shot like over a weekend. Less than a week, tops. They could have believably shot the whole thing in one day, like one of Willis' recent movies.
They went for a documentary style, of sorts, and probably really did use phones for the majority of the footage. I mean the premise was sort of interesting, and probably could have gone somewhere... but the whole thing was just like a high school movie final project that got a b-. That's the overall vibe I got from it. The main characters were annoying as hell. So they are famous social media performers/influencers who steal? Do you know how easy it would be for the police to get them? I'm not going to even... yeah.
The monster in the movie, I've seen middle-schoolers' Halloween costumes that put more effort into the concept and execution than this. And he kept repeating the same chant over and over again. Except it wasn't even chant-y sounding, or creepy in any way. It was like a guy repeating my take out order over the phone. I know what they were going for, but in this case, it was not scary or effective at all. It just became extremely annoying and ridiculous after the first encounter.
Ok, enough, like I said, I only watched this because I saw it had a 6 and read some of the obviously fake reviews. So I was waiting for it to get good, and by the time I lost all hope and realized it was fake I was more than halfway through so I just finished it. Ugh.
So yeah. This has got to be one of the seemingly lowest budget films I've seen in a while. They like rented a mediocre, cheap villa in the English countryside, probably on Airbnb. And they rented 3 cars. And probably advertised on Craigslist for 2 main and 4 supporting actors... or wherever it is you get actors 'off the street' these days. I think the whole thing was shot like over a weekend. Less than a week, tops. They could have believably shot the whole thing in one day, like one of Willis' recent movies.
They went for a documentary style, of sorts, and probably really did use phones for the majority of the footage. I mean the premise was sort of interesting, and probably could have gone somewhere... but the whole thing was just like a high school movie final project that got a b-. That's the overall vibe I got from it. The main characters were annoying as hell. So they are famous social media performers/influencers who steal? Do you know how easy it would be for the police to get them? I'm not going to even... yeah.
The monster in the movie, I've seen middle-schoolers' Halloween costumes that put more effort into the concept and execution than this. And he kept repeating the same chant over and over again. Except it wasn't even chant-y sounding, or creepy in any way. It was like a guy repeating my take out order over the phone. I know what they were going for, but in this case, it was not scary or effective at all. It just became extremely annoying and ridiculous after the first encounter.
Ok, enough, like I said, I only watched this because I saw it had a 6 and read some of the obviously fake reviews. So I was waiting for it to get good, and by the time I lost all hope and realized it was fake I was more than halfway through so I just finished it. Ugh.
- Cosmotron42O
- Aug 19, 2024
- Permalink
Yeah, absolutely loved this film. Read a few reviews saying that it's 'breathed life back into found footage films' and I wholly agree. It's a lot of fun, especially if you know it's quite silly. If you think this is going to be a gore-fest, I'd not bother, you'll be disappointed. I wasn't!
I love that it, and the filmmakers, don't take this too seriously at all - there's a real reverence for the genre, and you can see all sort of hidden nods to horror films and stories throughout: but you have to look carefully. There are some overt nods to things like Blair Witch, but that's very much tongue-in-cheek - it's meant to be a bit of fun, and I had a ball with it.
The acting is terrific, which it's often not in these sort of films, and considering the £30k budget and two week shoot, I am in awe of what they've accomplished.
These are the sort of filmmakers I just wish were given a proper budget so that we could see what they do with it! This would have been a film for the ages if they'd been able to add another 0 to the budget.
You'll love this if you go in with the right frame of mind - maybe not so much if you don't. So be warned!
I love that it, and the filmmakers, don't take this too seriously at all - there's a real reverence for the genre, and you can see all sort of hidden nods to horror films and stories throughout: but you have to look carefully. There are some overt nods to things like Blair Witch, but that's very much tongue-in-cheek - it's meant to be a bit of fun, and I had a ball with it.
The acting is terrific, which it's often not in these sort of films, and considering the £30k budget and two week shoot, I am in awe of what they've accomplished.
These are the sort of filmmakers I just wish were given a proper budget so that we could see what they do with it! This would have been a film for the ages if they'd been able to add another 0 to the budget.
You'll love this if you go in with the right frame of mind - maybe not so much if you don't. So be warned!
- alanblyth-92467
- Apr 6, 2024
- Permalink
This film, despite its modest budget and being shot on an iPhone, is remarkably well-executed.
It shines in its detailed character development, engaging the audience deeply with their stories. This focus on character depth is a welcome departure from the usual approach in low-budget found footage films, which often overlook the importance of well-rounded characters.
There are many subtle elements that might be missed at first glance, making a second watch worthwhile.
The film will surely appeal to its target audience, though it may not satisfy those looking for high levels of gore. It's clear that the filmmakers approach the project with a light-hearted attitude, showing a deep respect for the horror genre. Throughout, there are clever, hidden homages to classic horror films and tales, with some more obvious references like Blair Witch, all delivered with a playful, tongue-in-cheek tone. It's this sense of fun that really made the experience enjoyable for me.
It shines in its detailed character development, engaging the audience deeply with their stories. This focus on character depth is a welcome departure from the usual approach in low-budget found footage films, which often overlook the importance of well-rounded characters.
There are many subtle elements that might be missed at first glance, making a second watch worthwhile.
The film will surely appeal to its target audience, though it may not satisfy those looking for high levels of gore. It's clear that the filmmakers approach the project with a light-hearted attitude, showing a deep respect for the horror genre. Throughout, there are clever, hidden homages to classic horror films and tales, with some more obvious references like Blair Witch, all delivered with a playful, tongue-in-cheek tone. It's this sense of fun that really made the experience enjoyable for me.
- mangosteen55
- Apr 6, 2024
- Permalink
Found it very immersive and well worth the watch. The acting was very authentic and much more entertaining that the review might suggest. Found footage is old news but this was done well. My expectations were low but the movie delivered. Once again shows that reviews and ratings are not the be all and end all...watch the movies and make up your own mind. Found it very immersive and well worth the watch. The acting was very authentic and much more entertaining that the review might suggest. Found footage is old news but this was done well. My expectations were low but the movie delivered. Once again shows that reviews and ratings are not the be all and end all...watch the movies and make up your own mind.
- anon-45128
- Aug 24, 2024
- Permalink