The story of the movie revolves around Aditya (Roshan Kanakala), a dreamer who aspires to become a popular DJ. He weaves his life intricately with the bonds of friendship and falls in love with Janvi (played by Manas Chowdary), a fashion designer from a wealthy family who aspires to study abroad for higher education.
However, their love story takes a turn when Janvi witnesses an insult directed towards Aditya during the peak of her affection for him. This incident leads her to forget Aditya and focus on her career. Aditya, on the other hand, continues to harbor the humiliation he faced from Janvi. The movie explores Janvi's life in Aditya's hometown of Basti, the reason behind her breakup with her boyfriend, whether she accepts Aditya's love, what caused the humiliation for Aditya, and how Janvi comes back into Aditya's life after he faced humiliation.
The central questions in the narrative of the movie "Bubblegum" are whether Janvi accepts Aditya's love after coming back to his life, whether their love rekindles, and whether their love receives acceptance from their elders. The movie "Bubble Gum" was released on December 29, 2023.
Hero garu hats off encouraging new generation heros.