113 reviews
I literally signed up on my phone. Found out I couldn't do it on my phone. Got my laptop loaded up and went through the silly confirmation e-mails to write this review. This is film is so bad that it makes porn films look like Spielberg. Whoever wrote the dialog must have been some kind of Stephanie Mayer type because they clearly have never interacted with another human and can only imagine what young, attractive people might actually say to each other. The whole thing was about as interesting as watching the Kardashians while they watch paint dry with someone attempting badly to scary clown in the back ground. I love horror, I even like bad cliché horror for laughs but this was neither. Its not scary. Its not even funny scary. Important plot points are just blurted out by the wooden characters without any build up to a discovery leaving you bored and uninterested. The camera work is so dodgy that you could mute it and put on pornography scores and pretend that you were actually watching some. Wouldn't recommend at all. Not even for "so bad its good".
- ryanjwheatley
- Nov 2, 2016
- Permalink
This one has it all, bad acting, bad plot, bad writing.. You never get to like any character, and it had the feel of one of those porn films someone tried too hard with and tried to make entertaining. Porn film without the porn. It isn't scary at all and used every tired horror cliché. The back story surely could have been better if they hadn't tried to tack it to a real historic and researchable case. A little more imagination could have gone a long way. The acting is so wooden that it could have been done better with hand puppets, though in the case of the creepy house owner, that very much serves the story. I'm wondering if this was intended as a quasi comedy along the lines of "Birdemic- Shock & Awe" in that its so bad its strangely good? But this doesn't have the same kind of appeal. It's just a horrible horrible movie that has already been made a hundred times over. Don't bother with this film I'm sure there is some drying paint that needs watching?
- ludovica36
- Jun 29, 2015
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The college friends Taryn, her brother Michael, his girlfriend Niki, Jenna and Stacey move to comfortable rooms in a house in Fall River, Massachusetts. The owner, Dianna Eastbrock, receives them and soon Taryn feels that something strange is happening in the house. She investigates and learns that two tragedies happened in the house in 04 August 1892 and 1992. Now 04 August is coming and Taryn feels that she is connected to the mysterious house. What is the secret of the house?
"American Poltergeist" is among the worst movies I have ever seen. The production is amateurish and the cast is terrible highlighting Donna Spangler and Nevada Vargas among the worst. In the end, only the art of the DVD cover saves in this movie. My vote is one (awful).
Title (Brazil): "American Poltergeist"
"American Poltergeist" is among the worst movies I have ever seen. The production is amateurish and the cast is terrible highlighting Donna Spangler and Nevada Vargas among the worst. In the end, only the art of the DVD cover saves in this movie. My vote is one (awful).
Title (Brazil): "American Poltergeist"
- claudio_carvalho
- Dec 4, 2015
- Permalink
This is the worst film I've ever seen and that's saying something. It scores minus points out of ten. Anyone saying this is anything other than terrible clearly need their head examining. I wouldn't even class this as a movie, give a few kids an iPhone for a weekend and they could come up with something better than this trash. Awful acting and terrible film making. It's a shame because it's not a bad plot and had it been done well then this could've been a half decent project. Normally with terrible films you can laugh at how bad they are, but this was the dullest, most miserable 80-some minutes that I'll never get back. AVOID at all costs.
Have you ever watched Mystery Science Theater 2000? This movie should be featured on that show.
However, as much crap as we talked while watching this movie, we watched the entire thing without turning it off. And then immediately clicked to watch American Poltergeist 2 because we thought it was a continuation of the first. Lol.
The acting overall was as if all of the actors were new, I was surprised to see they were in other movies. The overall story line could have worked if there had been better acting and better direction. But yet... we still watched...
However, as much crap as we talked while watching this movie, we watched the entire thing without turning it off. And then immediately clicked to watch American Poltergeist 2 because we thought it was a continuation of the first. Lol.
The acting overall was as if all of the actors were new, I was surprised to see they were in other movies. The overall story line could have worked if there had been better acting and better direction. But yet... we still watched...
- samanthamoretti11
- Jan 21, 2017
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By far the worst horror I've ever seen. I put this on as back ground noise while I tidied the house, needless to say my house is spotless because this film is unable to hold your attention more than five minutes. Wooden, uncomfortable acting with a slow boring some what awkward storyline plus filming which looks like it's been filmed by some kind of gcse drama class equals a slightly irritating hurry up and get to the good bit style film which I would not recommend to anyone. I really don't understand how films like this get made nowadays. It was like watching an extended episode of the joys of wall painting. If you like a good horror film this is not for you.
- erika_pattison
- Aug 19, 2015
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At first I thought I was still on Pornhub. From the very beginning, the acting, dialogues, sound and filming were all ridiculously amateurish and tacky. The wanna-be actors couldn't even walk naturally, less alone talk. The sound changes from scene to scene and you could even see the boom mic at one time. The makeup artists transformed what was to be a scary mannequin into a sad grotesque clown and Donna Spangler, who plays the villain, should be banned from ever appearing on camera (I doubt anyone who has seen 5 minutes if this movie would ever cast her anyway). This piece of wasted film roll deserves to be shown to arts students to let them know exactly what not to do.
The official definition of what constitutes a poltergeist would run something like this"a spirit believed to manifest its presence by rappings and other noises and also by acts of mischief, such as throwing furniture about". Within four minutes of the start I was already hoping that a wardrobe would fly across the room and scythe through the entire cast. I hope for their sakes that none of them EVER watch this film that they performed in as it would surely drive them to at least self-harm. The presence of Leslie Nielsen, God bless him, would surely have rescued this awful, awful attempt to scare us. My fascination with how dreadful it was grew at an almost exponential rate with each passing minute. The wooden policeman obviously failed his zombie night-class exam and they just told him to audition for any film that requires a semi-animated lamppost. One line in the film chilled me into thinking that the worse-case scenario was about to happen. What if there was going to be a 20 minute intermission without the possibility of a toilet break or even an ice-cream? What if the second half of the film then resumed running backwards to the beginning with people ascending stairs facing the wrong way and regurgitating chewed-up burgers from their mouths and reassembling the whole on their barbecue plates? That would have really spooked me. Mercifully the director had some shred of compassion for his(surely)captive audience and limited this travesty to a mere 71 minutes including credits, which is in this case is an ironic misnomer of the first order. The stampede for the exit will result in multiple casualties. You have been warned.....
- steve-390-291391
- Jul 2, 2015
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If you are hoping for a proper ghost movie, as I did given the "American Poltergeist" title, then you will be sorely disappointed. However, if you are looking for a pseudo-slasher movie with a woman in an old dress and lousy green make-up on her face, then this is exactly what you are looking for.
Story-wise, then "American Poltergeist" (aka "The House of Lizzie Borden") was just about as generic and predictable as they come in the haunted horror genre. Only a few paranormal things happened in the house, which seemed okay and to slowly build up to something bigger, but then Lizzie Borden manifested in the shape of a woman in an old dress and with very questionable make-up. And then the movie just fell apart. And it got especially wonderful when a non-clergyman started to perform an exorcism.
For a horror movie the only thing scary was the lack of anything even remotely spooky, scary or disturbing.
Well, I wasn't fully honest there. There is one scary thing, and that was the acting of Donna Spangler. Apparently she thinks that moving, speaking and basically doing everything in such a slow pace, that is best described as a drug-induced stupor, is considered acting. It was so painful to witness. All she did was essentially just amplifying the stupidity of the movie.
"American Poltergeist" was a disappointment of unfathomable proportions. And I should have seen it coming, as the reviewers either all really loved or hated the movie; there seemed to be no middle ground. I, if you haven't guessed it already, is of the latter option.
If you enjoy a proper horror and/or haunting movie, then you shouldn't watch this particular movie.
Story-wise, then "American Poltergeist" (aka "The House of Lizzie Borden") was just about as generic and predictable as they come in the haunted horror genre. Only a few paranormal things happened in the house, which seemed okay and to slowly build up to something bigger, but then Lizzie Borden manifested in the shape of a woman in an old dress and with very questionable make-up. And then the movie just fell apart. And it got especially wonderful when a non-clergyman started to perform an exorcism.
For a horror movie the only thing scary was the lack of anything even remotely spooky, scary or disturbing.
Well, I wasn't fully honest there. There is one scary thing, and that was the acting of Donna Spangler. Apparently she thinks that moving, speaking and basically doing everything in such a slow pace, that is best described as a drug-induced stupor, is considered acting. It was so painful to witness. All she did was essentially just amplifying the stupidity of the movie.
"American Poltergeist" was a disappointment of unfathomable proportions. And I should have seen it coming, as the reviewers either all really loved or hated the movie; there seemed to be no middle ground. I, if you haven't guessed it already, is of the latter option.
If you enjoy a proper horror and/or haunting movie, then you shouldn't watch this particular movie.
- paul_haakonsen
- Dec 15, 2015
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The horror genre is my favorite, but I don't know why after seeing so many bad horror movies. They say you have to watch a lot of bad ones to find a real gem. Well, this is one of the bad ones I watched trying to find myself a gem.
The cinematography was pretty good, considering it's low-budget, and that's about the only thing I'll say was good about this movie. The acting was about what you'd expect from one of these low-budget indie horror films. Unfortunately, so was the story. It was silly enough that it takes place in the house where Lizzie Borden killed her parents. And then they have one of the girls ask who Lizzie Borden was. Another girl says "Give her a break. She's a west coast girl." No, she's not a west coast girl. She's a stupid girl.
They didn't kill anyone until about 57 minutes into the movie. Considering the movie is 79 minutes long - and not very good - that's a long time to wait for people to start getting killed, and a lot of the victims appeared in the movie about 5 minutes before that.
I've seen worse, but that doesn't excuse this mess. I gave this a 3-star rating. I like originality, which this movie was, but just because something is original doesn't mean it's going to be good, as this movie is not.
When Lizzie Borden took an axe I wish she gave this movie 40 whacks.
The cinematography was pretty good, considering it's low-budget, and that's about the only thing I'll say was good about this movie. The acting was about what you'd expect from one of these low-budget indie horror films. Unfortunately, so was the story. It was silly enough that it takes place in the house where Lizzie Borden killed her parents. And then they have one of the girls ask who Lizzie Borden was. Another girl says "Give her a break. She's a west coast girl." No, she's not a west coast girl. She's a stupid girl.
They didn't kill anyone until about 57 minutes into the movie. Considering the movie is 79 minutes long - and not very good - that's a long time to wait for people to start getting killed, and a lot of the victims appeared in the movie about 5 minutes before that.
I've seen worse, but that doesn't excuse this mess. I gave this a 3-star rating. I like originality, which this movie was, but just because something is original doesn't mean it's going to be good, as this movie is not.
When Lizzie Borden took an axe I wish she gave this movie 40 whacks.
- chrismackey1972
- Jul 1, 2015
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Similar to another reviewer, I've just made an account to review this disaster of a film. Laughable 'horror', awful acting, ridiculous production and just a waste of time. Don't bother, you're more likely to find horror in Peppa Pig.
- amymaguire-42143
- Aug 31, 2018
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- stevewatkins-00747
- Jan 25, 2017
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Here's the thing: most horror movies get poor ratings on IMDb, rotten tomatoes, pretty much everywhere, and usually the average/highly rated ones are also works of comedy (eg Housebound), or game-changing classics (Exorcist, Blair Witch) People are all different but most of the things that frighten us are really quite the same, so the result is that horror movies come off formulaic and predictable. Occasionally you get a real gem or a classic that manages to scare you in unexpected ways, but that's the exception rather than the rule. I can still enjoy something with too many jumpscares and an entirely predictable premise. So as a horror lover myself I tend to disregard ratings, because if I put too much stock in them, I just wouldn't watch very many horror movies to begin with. I'm sure most of you who like horror take those ratings with a grain of salt too. I'm here to tell you, don't do that with this movie.
You think your standards are low enough to enjoy this? No they're not. The characters are 1-dimensional and can't act. The things they do don't make make any goddamned sense. There is no building of tension, no atmosphere, nothing. It's not even one of those so bad it's good movies, it's just straight awful. Avoid at all costs.
You think your standards are low enough to enjoy this? No they're not. The characters are 1-dimensional and can't act. The things they do don't make make any goddamned sense. There is no building of tension, no atmosphere, nothing. It's not even one of those so bad it's good movies, it's just straight awful. Avoid at all costs.
First off they say this movie was filmed at the Lizzie Bordens bed and breakfast in Fall River Massachusetts! 😂Well let me tell you I'm from Fall River Ma. The bed and breakfast looks nothing like that! They say it's in Fall River Massachusetts I don't know where they were not no it's not in Fall River! Movie sucked actors and actresses sucked as well!
- lcousineau
- Nov 7, 2018
- Permalink
haha...omg...how can ANYBODY make a film like this ? everything is really bad, i cant look any longer...
i have some rules, why i make always the same mystake...i have to hear on my own rules...
1. everything under 80minutes is "normally" (not always) not worth to watch 2. if the picture looks cheap 3. if the syncronisation is not good
so...in this case...all this points and lot of more, the film is not poor...it is more than that, as you see...i have no words to describe this bullsh...
so...if it is the last film in the world...doesn't matter, Don't LOOK, you will regret
regards from Germany cologne, sorry for my English ,-)
i have some rules, why i make always the same mystake...i have to hear on my own rules...
1. everything under 80minutes is "normally" (not always) not worth to watch 2. if the picture looks cheap 3. if the syncronisation is not good
so...in this case...all this points and lot of more, the film is not poor...it is more than that, as you see...i have no words to describe this bullsh...
so...if it is the last film in the world...doesn't matter, Don't LOOK, you will regret
regards from Germany cologne, sorry for my English ,-)
American Poltergeist is one of those run of the mill, paint by numbers, you've seen it all before horrors but at let's you know early on that's what it is.
Poorly made, with children's nativity play level of acting and an ending you'll foresee without the aid of crystal ball, con-artist medium or time machine.
I'll give it credit, it has one single genuinely quite scary moment. After careful investigation I can confirm that no soiling had taken place but it was still pretty scary.
Disclaimer: If I had pooped myself out of fright I'd not admit it anyway I have nothing against low budget movies, a large percentage of what I watch comes under that category I just have something against badly constructed poorly written monstrosities.
Poorly made, with children's nativity play level of acting and an ending you'll foresee without the aid of crystal ball, con-artist medium or time machine.
I'll give it credit, it has one single genuinely quite scary moment. After careful investigation I can confirm that no soiling had taken place but it was still pretty scary.
Disclaimer: If I had pooped myself out of fright I'd not admit it anyway I have nothing against low budget movies, a large percentage of what I watch comes under that category I just have something against badly constructed poorly written monstrosities.
- Platypuschow
- Jul 5, 2017
- Permalink
I almost never write reviews here but I had to chime in. This movie (holy crap it feels horrible to even call it a movie) is terrible. Every aspect, it seriously made me angry. And I'm one of those people who can find something good in everything! Well, I was...
Where the fudge did they find these "actors"? Were the writers all high and drunk 14 year olds who has never even seen a movie? Is this whole thing a joke? Because it's not funny. Wich sucks since you can usually at least find something to laugh about in a bad movie, but I just felt like I was being tortured for information.
Everyone who had a hand in unleashing this movie into the world should be ashamed of themselves. How come nobody stopped this? Did they actually think they did a good job? So many questions...
Don't even bother watching it "for funsies". You won't think it's funny.
Don't even bother watching it "for funsies". You won't think it's funny.
- jackalswitch
- Sep 24, 2018
- Permalink
A horror movie ? Hell no, this is like the mix of all the worst clichés in horror movies in one awful movie. You should actually watch to value any other movie, you'll love them, even the worst ones. This is true GARBAGE.
The directing is really horrible, every shots are horrible, not in the right angle, the right lights. Even something as simple as exposition and contrast are not good. The director of photography, if there's one, must be blind, or just dumb.
Now, actors, well, if you want a how to be a actor 101, you should watch it to learn every thing that you should not do.
The plot : the title of the movie is POLTERGEIST. You would expect some poltergeist right ? Well .. you'll be disappointed because it's a story of demon possession or some s*** like that. The only "poltergeist related" thing is that you hear some noises inside the walls, even though it's the definition of a poltergeist, it should not be caused by a a freaking demon.
Overall, this is a great movie, really, you'll love it, have fun, and actually, you'll be really bored, but still, if you want to "chill" with your girlfriend, it might be a good option for your hookup plans
The directing is really horrible, every shots are horrible, not in the right angle, the right lights. Even something as simple as exposition and contrast are not good. The director of photography, if there's one, must be blind, or just dumb.
Now, actors, well, if you want a how to be a actor 101, you should watch it to learn every thing that you should not do.
The plot : the title of the movie is POLTERGEIST. You would expect some poltergeist right ? Well .. you'll be disappointed because it's a story of demon possession or some s*** like that. The only "poltergeist related" thing is that you hear some noises inside the walls, even though it's the definition of a poltergeist, it should not be caused by a a freaking demon.
Overall, this is a great movie, really, you'll love it, have fun, and actually, you'll be really bored, but still, if you want to "chill" with your girlfriend, it might be a good option for your hookup plans
- goldysclement
- Jul 5, 2017
- Permalink
- rogeerabbit
- Aug 13, 2016
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Well, what can one say about such a promising title, other than that's were the film peaked with its title. Only way I'd watch this is if it was free or came as a free gift in a packet of breakfast cereal Didn't even register a point to score. Probably the worst film I've seen since.......well it is the worst film I've ever had the misfortune to endure.
The actors and actresses should have at least been told how to act. I've seen better directing and cinematics at a pre-school nativity play.
If after this you're thinking about giving it a go, I'd say no don't waste your life
The actors and actresses should have at least been told how to act. I've seen better directing and cinematics at a pre-school nativity play.
If after this you're thinking about giving it a go, I'd say no don't waste your life
- dcox-48312
- Feb 8, 2017
- Permalink
I'm afraid I must refer to Joline's review here. She must be an insider. No version of this film, legal or otherwise, could possibly enhance this dreadful, pitiful nonsense or add anything in any way from the 'casting couch' standard of the acting. The cast must have been out of work porn actors with no work on so dire is the 'acting'. In fact, if truth be told, I'm probably being dreadfully harsh on porn actors by comparing them to the woodentops on display in this tripe... The 'casting couch' must have seen some action during casting for this bilge and taken a month to dry clean afterwards. I think the MPAA should create a blacklist of people who make this kind of trash who should then be banned from making films or going anywhere near the industry for ten years. It's no wonder the paying public are turning to piracy. If I'd have actually paid to watch this rubbish I'd be dragging the producers to court for a refund. Beyond poor. I couldn't write any more as I ran out of synonyms for 'cr*p'and I wanted to put this nonsense out of my memory ASAP.
- jackstupidjack
- Jul 13, 2015
- Permalink
I would not recommend this film to anyone. I sat through the whole thing hoping it would get better, but it sadly only got worse. The acting was static and lifeless and I can say with all honesty it is one of the worst films I've ever seen. It is a wonder to me how a second one was ever given the go ahead.
I've seen porn-movies with better acting, editing, camera-work... hell, even better props than this movie has to offer. The story struggles to keep going onward and most of the movie feels more of a filler than most Naruto episodes. This isn't even "it's so bad it's funny" kind of movie, it's up and beyond with how awful this is. I imagine only a masochist or group of high teenagers could get even slightest enjoyment out of this, but even saying that feels like showing this movie too much positive light.
- HorrorViking
- Oct 1, 2017
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