First, let me start by saying I love this show so far. I hate that "actual" lawyers gave it 1 star, which is like me saying that since I'm a Soldier, almost every military movie and 98% of all movies involving guns and explosions are garbage because they are not accurate. I won't even go near how they portray the military, totally screw with how the uniforms look and how they show our tactics. Nowhere near the truth! But I understand the writers are not military and there are too many little things under the hood for them to get everything right, as should lawyers when watching this show.
Watch an actual documentary on lawyers if that's what you're looking for, because this show would not have the high ratings if they showed that dull stuff. This show is light on the legalese....not to the standard of "The Practice" or "L.A. Law," but it has just enough legalese so the uninitiated stays interested, and enough excitement around the courtroom so you will love it.
The characters, the interaction between them and the plots work. Watch the first episode and if you aren't intrigued, then this obviously is not your genre. I'm only 4 shows in. It is a solid 8 so far....