This epic concerns the love affair of Mei-lin and Jinghe - she starts off as an assassin who - incidentally can fly - and he is the supposedly crippled wrongfully accused mass murderer son of the emperor whose evil and scheming "brother" has been chosen to be the Crown Prince in his place. At 32 episodes the series has no choice but to repeat incidents over and over again in an endless recycling of scheming, twenty minute battles, misunderstandings and thwarted love. There is a woman who dresses as a man - General Yin - she starts off being obsessed with Jinghe - much to the chagrin of the C. P. who idolises her - but somehow - with no explanation - her feelings are suddenly transferred to the C. P. There is a love rival for Jinghe of course in the shape of a neighbouring prince whose sister is the concubine of the emperor - and their battle for Mei -lin continues throughout the series. There is the ongoing threat of Mei-lin's chances of surviving being poisoned - and constant instances of both Mei-:Lin and Jinghe being at deaths door. Other observations fall on the dreadful wigs and obvious false eyelashes of both the males and females.
The makers of this series should keep in mind that viewers don't like investing hours of their time for endings like this.
All in all - too long - too repetitive which made it too boring.