This film is the result of completing a secondary edit from the original 48-hour film project competition entry (the editor has removed some of the required competition elements) - it is a derivative film from the competition entry and a truly beautiful effort after all the challenges the editing team encountered. Tyrian Pearl Productions has added the following text required for a modified film, "The concept for this film developed during the 48 Hour Film Project" at the end of the new version. The genre was picked from a hat (detective-cop), written and filmed in 24-hrs; but due to sound difficulties, the edit was not completed in time for competition submission, much to the teams collective disappointment, but heroic efforts. A huge learning curve by a fabulous team of volunteers called, 'The Pearls of Dubai' - the film 'Veil' was quietly voted (privately) as one of the audience favorites in the public screening despite not having won a placement.