The story of Saeki Kentaro, who continues to fail the National Bar Examinations and lose sight of the goal of his life, and his old sister Keiko, who is a freelance writer looking up their g... Read allThe story of Saeki Kentaro, who continues to fail the National Bar Examinations and lose sight of the goal of his life, and his old sister Keiko, who is a freelance writer looking up their grandfather Miyabe who died in the Pacific War as a Kamikaze pilot. Miyabe had an astute ab... Read allThe story of Saeki Kentaro, who continues to fail the National Bar Examinations and lose sight of the goal of his life, and his old sister Keiko, who is a freelance writer looking up their grandfather Miyabe who died in the Pacific War as a Kamikaze pilot. Miyabe had an astute ability as a pilot of fighter planes, but he was extraordinarily afraid of death. His two gr... Read all