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I Do... I Did! (2009)
Still waiting for something good to happen
This is an embarrassment to African American movies. It was on twice within 24 hours. I thought I fell asleep on something, so I watched it through the second time. It was just as ridiculous the second time as it was the first. Too much happened within a 2 year period. He was so in love, and the grieving period had to be very brief for the pregnancy. This was not real at all. Living under the same roof was plain "nasty" of both women. I loved Cherie in the sitcom "Family Matters," but I've lost all respect for her after seeing this. I can't find enough adjectives to describe how degrading I think this movie was : Ludicrous, ridiculous, ignorant, ghetto, racist etc. I lived during a time when there were no black faces on the TV. This set us back to Pre- Civil Rights period.